Super thick moisturizing lotion help

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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Lymes Disease is horrid. I had a friend with it and her hands peeled. Unfortunately it also seemed to make her allergic to tons of stuff, including cocoa butter and shea butter.

Frankly, for super moisturizing I like... LARD. It soaks in, stays on, and doesn't irritate.
Why not try Crisco with palm? Someone mentioned the other day she had used Crisco on her lips and was amazed at how soft they were.

There's also bag balm which doesn't smell great and is greasy but it works. I used to use it years ago and I believe Walmart still carries it. Is she also a vegan? Because it does have lanolin in it. Of course, she might not like it since it also has petroleum jelly in it.

If she doesn't mind petroleum jelly, she could just use Vaseline.
How about something like un-petroleum jelly made with olive oil and beeswax? You could add some zinc oxide to it if she can tolerate it.
my personal favorite is raw Shea butter. However, the more I research moisturizers I see people swearing by Lard, Crisco and Vaseline so it's definitely worth considering them too.

It might be trial and error until you find something that works for her. Whatever you go with I would recommend using a generous amount at bedtime and putting on some white cotton gloves.

Raw Shea butter does have healing benefits as well....
i think shea butter has some sun screen to it, as does sesame oil i believe.
if she is a vegatarian, maybe the non petroleum jelly with olive :idea: and something like


bayberry, soy,

she can make lotion bars or non petroleum jelly.
love to your ma.
oh yes i guess i shoulve been clear no way would ya use those oils as only sunscreen :oops:

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