Suggestions for Mild Baby Soap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2012
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I've been soaping for a year or so, mainly for personal use. I'm looking at making a baby soap for a pregnant relative using this recipe:

3% Coconut
5% Cocoa Butter
5% Sunflower Oil
17% Castor Oil
25% Olive Oil
45% Palm Oil
SF 5%

I would love some input from more experienced soapers on this recipe. Thanks!
For a mild baby soap, I'd go with 100% olive, completely plain. No fo, no eo.

But keep in mind that most doctors don't recommend soap/body wash of any kind be used on babies under 6 months old anymore, just good old plain water.
ive never seen a recipe like that, the cleansing is 3, bubbles very low, very creamy though, i dont ever use more than 10% castor it can make it sticky, I agree make all olive oil.
I made some for my grandson about 9 weeks before he was born so it would cure out. I used 90% olive and 5% CO and 5% Castor. It turned out great. They are still using it since I made a whole 2 lb batch for them