soap in freezer to unmold

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
New York
i put my loaf mold in the freezer in order to unmold it. my intentions were to leave it in for 20 minutes, but i forgot about if for about 8 hours. needless to say it was frozen, ugh :cry: when i took it out of the freezer. it has been out now for over a day but there is white streaks/swirls throughout. i do not know if these swirls were there before the freezer or from the freezer. the receipe is one i always use - nothing different. it looks purely asthetic. what is everyone's thoughts on the whole frozen thing. is the soap still good even though it's been frozen. i will try posting pics.
Are you white streaks lye? If I don't spritz the soap with alcohol before puttingin freezer it has lye streaks.

Your soap is fine.

Did it not gel on you after you took it out? I put one in the freezer once over night. Took it out and that night it gelled on me as it was coming to room temp. So now I put it in the freezer for about an hour then into the fridge for a day or two.
I have done the same thing and the soap was fine. It looked better after cutting and curing for awhile. :D

I'm thinking the white streaks are probably ash. I've frozen soap before and it won't hurt it. What kind of mold are you using? Is it something you can run under hot water? Usually that will help with frozen soap that is stuck in the mold.

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