silicone mold question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
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I am planning on buying a few molds and the silicone look cool but I've seen people prop the sides up. Do they have a tendency to sag? Is it just certain brands?
I have a couple of silicone log moulds that I used to use fairly regularly. Mine are the wiltshire brand, and they have a couple of little struts along the side to support the sides of the mould when it is full of batter. (soap or cake!!)
I have seen cheapie versions that don't have the struts, and they do have a tendency to bow at the sides when they get some liquid in them.
I know some have overcome this by placing the mould into a box or something that will offer some support.
You won't get straight regtangular or square bars with these moulds, more like trapezium shape. But they are a dream to unmould.
well darn! I guess I wanted it all! Have someone build a wood mold for the silicone mold? lol.

I like the wood mold and the first time lining it was a task but the second time was much easier. I need to get more.
Yeah, that's the good thing about silicone, no lining.
You can get heaps of other shaped silicone moulds (ice cube trays, cupcake trays and such) that are good for guest soaps and embeds.
yeah i'm not there yet but i'll definitely look into those. My daughter is already harping for heart shaped stuff. I'm making test batches that I will offload on poor unsuspecting
I went to King Arthur Flour and they had an interesting scone silicone pan. I think I might get one. It's an interesting shape.
I make CP batches in silicone moulds. It's so much easier and the ones I use (without ridges) don't sag horrendously.
Maybe I've used a poor quality silicone (?) but I've had the color of the mold bleed onto my soap. Anyone else had this issue? Otherwise I loved them.
I have a silicone loaf pan (picked it up brand new at a yard sale for $1.00) and when I poured my soap in it sagged on the side. I quickly set the silicone pan inside of a metal loaf pan - perfect fit, now I keep them nested together and no more sagging!
That's a great idea! I may have to buy one and then go to walmart with it and try to fit it
Yes I have; made muffins in these silicone thingies a couple of times and would'nt want to use tose paper ones anymore. They rise waaay higher!
Dagmar, thanks!!Good to know.
Artisan has inspired me with those bread/muffins that she made. They looked so delicious, they wouldn't have lasted 3 minutes here, let alone long enough to take a photo! :p
ChrissyB said:
Just as an aside, has anyone ever baked with silicone bakeware? Not just soaped with it?
I'm interested in how it goes, I haven't done it yet

They're fantastic to bake with Chrissy. Having a t'ware dealer sister I know this :) Unfortunately,she stopped tupperwaring shortly b4 I started soaping :( You can use them in the microwave too(quite good cakes actually,in the m'wave)
I'd love to woodfields but I don't have the money for those yet but I am drooling!

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