pine tar

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2014
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so I thought I would get outside the box a little and do a pine tar in the pot swirl that night I thought it was a bad idea, don't ask why just thought that so cubed it up and put it in the crock pot this morning. my thought I guess was it would be way to gooey to use and prob. a little harsh on the skin
I had the pine tar in a cup to keep it warm and viscous and just poured into the batter a few stirs later it was over. now that I rebatched it, it is so easy to work with think I found a new way (for me) to do pine tar soap just an extra step is all
no it was raw oil I read in a earlier post don't remember who but they said pine tar wont saponify 100% that's kinda where I got the idea now I look back kinda dumb idea