overheating Fo how to stop?

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Sep 26, 2008
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I just ran into my first batch with an overheating FO all over my counter. For future floral projects what can I do to prevent this from happening again? I was using Sea Air Sandlewood from SS. Recipe was lard30,CO40, almond30 with coconut milk. Cool temp on lye solution and oils melted and close to room temp.
that happened to me before! the thing overheated so fast. i threw as much as i could int a clean bowl and stirred like mad until it stopped with the bubbling. by the time it was done, the soap had actually HP'd itself. i zap tested while it was still in the bowl and it was fine.
if you soaped cool and it stilloverheated, if it were me *I* would just HP the batches in the future that i plan to use that FO on. I'd make a bit extra so that i could trim off the tops once it was molded and cooled down to make them prettier.

sorry about your batch!!
Soap cool....

Mix everything really fast....

Pour into molds really fast.....

Run screaming to the freezer in your garage!

Realize that you put it on the TOP shelf of the freezer....

SCREAM and open the door.....shifting the mold to the bottom shelf.....

Slam the door shut and lean panting against the door.....

Refuse to open the freezer for any reason for two days.....

Well.....that's just what I would do.
It seems lately that I too, have overheating FOs.

I soap cool, and try my maddest to hurry, but still.... Bam! In the middle of the soap, the next day when I cut it. There's that ugly partial gel.

Blah. It's enough to make me give up soaping! Ho hum :(
Tegan said:
Soap cool....

Mix everything really fast....

Pour into molds really fast.....

Run screaming to the freezer in your garage!

Realize that you put it on the TOP shelf of the freezer....

SCREAM and open the door.....shifting the mold to the bottom shelf.....

Slam the door shut and lean panting against the door.....

Refuse to open the freezer for any reason for two days.....

Well.....that's just what I would do.

:lol: This is just too funny.

With winter here I think I might put mold outside. I am off to the store to get more Loil as I used the last of my almond. I am going to try that recipe without the FO and see if it is the milk, but coconut milk should not over heat due to no animal protiens in it. Hmmmmm
Depending on the mold you use, you can also try pre-freezing the mold. It may help with silicone, and should help with wood. Just don't take them out of the freezer until your ready to pour (you may need a second person to run screaming from the freezer when you yell "GOTTA POUR NOW!!!")
I would use full water instead of discounting for hot or quick moving fragrances. That along with the cooler temps might help.

I've had a few that have made me want to hang up my stick blender, too. LOL
I use a pringles can for a mold. I did a part dicount on water so will try with full this time. The Fo was not the one I thought it was, my bad. But it was just as heavy on florals believe me on that my house reeks.
I would think the tight, enclosed space of the pringles can could also contribute to over heating. There is just nowhere for the heat to escape to.
Do you have a log or slab mold you could try with that FO?

*edited for spelling
Pringles cans do overheat (in my experience, prob the worst)

Coconut milk does speed things up a lot too. It usually has thicken agents and sugars in it, so if you add this to a tricky FO it will be a struggle.

I would use full water, soap cool and start everything at a really light trace, or if it's really bad, flag it. I don't bother with tricky fragrances, theres lots of good ones out there
Ok coconut milk is clean nothing added to it, at least it is not listed on label. I have always used the pringles can but it is winter and house is warm. Fo was suppose to be OK so it must have been the combo of milk and that fo.

Next time I will light trace and set outside to keep it cool. Thanks everyone.

Btw I did unmould and cut. It was only the top 1/8 that heated up. The bottom had a oil well, and it still leaked some oil. It is on rack now and is behaving now so far.

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