Omg, don't do it!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
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I have a small lye burn on the top of my foot (don't ask), just a drop size, really. I've noticed that it doesn't heal properly, so I checked out lye burns online. DON'T DO IT! The pictures just about made me bring up my dinner.
I've learned NOT to google any medical affliction or medical question. I either have every symptom of any or all known and unknown diseases, no matter how rare...or I worry that I will contract said disease. It doesn't matter if it only affects men in Zimbabwe every third year of a new millennium, that I most certainly do NOT have a prostate, or that I no longer have an appendix. It's a tumor. I just know it. :shock:

However, if I were a cat, I'd definitely be dead by know, curiosity and such...and I HAVE to look at pictures, especially if someone says "Don't look at that!". So thanks a lot. I now have those images burned into my brain.

Hope your foot feels better! (and doesn't rot off...or have to be amputated...or needs a skin graft...EEK! See what I mean!) :Kitten Love:

I am with you. I don't check up on any symptoms anymore. :D
You just cracked me up!!
You don't even want to know how many patients we see in the wee hours on any given night because they googled their symptoms and got scared and came to the ER because WebMD (etc) tends to list "worst-case" scenarios in typical CYA mode!
I've been a healthcare professional for years, but gotta admit I'm still guilty of this to a certain degree :oops: , but I DO take it with a huge grain of salt!
My personal physician (whom I've worked with for years) has threatened to punch me in the gooch if I ever say "I saw on WebMD...." again and reminds me that no matter how intelligent/informed I may be thanks to my profession, only one of us has an MD after our names...
And BTW, while I've had a few small lye burns on my hands, but the only one that scared me was near my eyes; and the scary part was just how careless I was!!
I measured out my lye and mixed it with my water wearing both my gloves and goggles....good form, right? But then I took my goggles off while still wearing my "lye" gloves, and I apparently transferred some lye onto my goggles in the process, so when I put my goggles back on to mix my lye-water with my oils....OUCH!! The result was a crescent shaped lye burn near my right eye from above my eyebrow down to my cheekbone!
Oh my gosh, thank goodness it didn't get into your eye! Yeah, stuff like that happens to all of us... part of being human, I guess.

LOL @ Shawnee. You're a comedian, you know that? For sure my foot's going to fall off, but the good thing is that I then no longer have to go into the office but can stay home, hopping around my kitchen making soap!!!
I've successfully resisted googling quite a few things in my time :)

I got lye burns on my temples - raw soap splashed onto the armpieces of my goggles somehow, and burned my temples above & below where the armpieces were! Very scary how fast that could have gone wrong.

I try to think of lye and raw soap like the acid blood from Ridley Scott's xenomorph aliens.
If the wound is somewhere that your shoe is touching it, have you tried using polysporin or vaseline? I had a cut on my toe that would not heal, until I tried polysporin, which protected it from the rubbing and let it heal.
Dennis said:
Diabetic? Hope not.

I had a friend with juvenile diabetes and a very addictive personality, I had to show him all the things smoking does to your body and what happens to your diabetic body without the proper wasn't pretty to say the least.

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