not to gel

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Dec 31, 2011
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can anyone tell me how long I need to keep my soap in the cold. Made a batch last night put in a wooden mold wrapped loosley with freezer paper and sat outside on my porch. I think it when down in the 30;s last night but will be warmer today. I brought it in after about 12 hours this morning and slipped it right out of the mold with no problems. The colors are prettty now, how long do I need to keep it cool and will this help stop it from turning brown. I would appreciate any input, this was my first attempt at a swirl, however disappointed my batch I removed and colored stayed nice and workable, however my base is the one I added fragrance to and it went to heavey trace really quick, so now I have a solid yellow soap with a blue top now.
should I have added my fragrance to the colored soap for the swirl? Please help, Thanks so much, also am I way off on what I am doing to try and prevent the soap from going through the gel phase, I think I read you want to keep it cold and not insulate, is that correct? Just don't know for how long
well I believe I found my own answer, I don't know why I don't go digging around for the answer first instead I ask a question and then dig and find my own answer. lol
what is in your soap that makes it go brown? if it's a fragrance with vanilla in it you won't prevent that, though it might stay a shade lighter.
I seem to have that problem when I try to add goats milk, and some fragrances, it starts out a pretty yellow, then I have been insulating the mold for 24 hours, when I open it there it is some shade of brown. I did a batch made with just olive oil, coconut oil, canola and caster oil, used "austrailian bamboo grass" fragrance and it stayed a nice light green with no colorant added. I just started experimenting with the Mica colors not sure I care much for them, takes quite a bit for a small amount of soap. I have now cut the soap I didn't let gel and it is a beige/yellow with a blue top. This batch has a lot more in it including coca butter, I added "cottage breeze" fragrance to this one. Very strong at this point we will see if it fades away.Thanks for commenting. I am just learning on my own as I go. I tell ya though, making CP soap is a lot harder then they make it look on the video's but I can tell this is one of those things that will take time but will get it.

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