Newly addicted soaper. :-)

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Dec 23, 2010
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Hi everyone! I'm officially addicted to soap making. I've been doing melt and pour and just whipped up my first batch of cp the other night. I made a second the next night.
I started to panic because it didn't seem to harden but after visiting this forum I realized it's normal for oo soap to take longer so I wait. So far the very first batch smells and looks amazing! The second looks good but smells awful, something happened. This batch had some hemp oil in it. I wonder if the smell of the EO's are affected by the hemp oil? Today it doesn't seem to smell as bad. Will it change as days go by? Maybe it's not a throwaway afterall?

I used pvc pipe for my molds, I like the round shape. How long to wait to attempt to unmold? It's still a bit soft days later but it's definitely hardening up. I should make sure it's at least not squishy before I try to push it out of the mold though right? Will it still seem a bit soft when it's ready enough for me to try to unmold?
Thanks in advance.
Welcome. I would say wait week or two see what happens with the scent. Rebatch is always an option. I use pringles cans for round shape also I have some empty yougert containers which make nice oval shape soap. As time goes on you will find yourself going oh that would be nice mold.
Good luck to you. I just love this hobby.

Regarding your soft soap, did you run it through a lye calc? What properties did it show? If you post your recipe, maybe someone can pipe in and see if there was a problem.
I've made 3 batches so far, all with a lot of olive oil. The first two batches came out really soft and somebody here suggested I hadn't mixed enough. With the third batch I mixed a lot more and really noticed a difference, unmolded hard with a little give. Try with your next batch to mix more and see what happens, hope that's helpful :)