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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2008
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Been making hot processed soap for many, many years but just found this site. (I learned how to make the old style lard soap from my grandparents many, many years ago when I was a kid. I did the "grunt" work for them like filtering fat, etc.)

Alot of good info. here! I never knew of the sugar in soap to boost foaming. Tried it in my medicated soap and it works. I always use castor oil but the sugar boosted foaming further. Never knew that!

Plus, I found some suppliers from browsing this site that I never heard of before who offer good prices.

I make mainly medicated soaps because my wife has some skin problems. The homemade soaps keep them in check for her and may have kept me from ever getting any skin ailments.

Just to let you all know that if you want to make a soap with something like salicylic acid in it, you can do it easily at a two percent rate. Same for azelaic acid (i.e., just in case any of you want to ever make medicated "acne" types of soaps). Just mix them with the oil before adding lye water. No recipe adjustment is necessary.

I also use neem oil and pine tar alot.

In fact, I just made her the annual face soap with salicylic acid, azelaic acid and neem oil. (Both salicylic and azelaic acids were at 2 percent and neem oil at about 8 percent. Oh, and about only a tablespoon of pine tar. At that rate the pine tar probably doesn't do much but might help a little.)

Other oils were the typical types like coconut, palm kernel, soybean, sweet almond, oleic acid, castor and shortening.

Mixed a tablespoon of rosemary powder into the oil also. Used some sort of coconut/kiwi FO she likes. My mold allows me to make a log with 48 ounces of oil in the recipe.

(I have her pick the FO's because I don't have the best "nose" in the world.)
Thanks everyone for the welcome.

Starduster: I've made some regular, non-medicated soaps, but not much. A couple of friends of my wife like the medicated soap so I make some for them every year. (They all like the medicated soap more than the regular soap I gave them once before. Go figure?!)