Newbie but enthusiastic

Soapmaking Forum

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Jan 19, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I just want to send a shout out and say hello to all the fellow soapmaking lovers/enthusiast's out there! I'm 25 and have been recently itching to find a fun and different hobby, so long story short, here I am!

I've only just made my first VERY basic lard/oil and lye soap batch about 2 weeks ago, and I must say that even though they are very rough looking, I enjoyed the process thoroughly! I started using a bar this morning after a few weeks of curing, and even though I would let the rest set longer, the bar I used already felt quite nice, espceially knowing i made it on my own! I am even thinking about going to my local craft store to buy some basic melt and pour soap supplies, just to get an idea of all the different ways one can make soap. Ultimately I would simply die with excitement if I could make soap well enough to sell to friends and family (and of course anyone else who would want to buy)! I will be posting in the soapmaking sub forum to ask questions regarding my new dream soap I want to create, but for now I just wanted to say hi. :)

Edited: And I have read the forum post on selling soap as a business too. Just letting everyone know my big business dreams are a long way away now; I'm more just interested in giving it as gifts/using it myself and then one day in the distant future maybe it could be sold to customers!
Welcome to the forum! :D

It is fun and it is thrilling to use your first bar. I also didn't have the patience to wait 4 weeks before I tried a bar from my first batch. But let's keep that a secret between you and me, k? :wink:

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