New Years Resolution

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Sep 23, 2010
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I don't make NYR usually but I'm putting this up so I can be accountable. So if you have one or two or three you'd like put up, put them up and see how we're going at the one month, two month time frame.

Here's mine-
1. Fitness - thats a given, as I exercise daily, but have been a bit slack with the intensity and would like to lose 10 kgs.
2. Organize my soap notes - I tend to just throw pages in on bits of paper and then can't find what I'm after. :roll:
3. Tidy the house - thats a big one, but must start somewhere, thats what happens when you have done craft all your life and don't throw supplies out ( you always need what you get rid of ). :wink:
mine is
1) lose 10 lbs
2) read the entire bible
3) get my house organised and keep it that way
1. get a gym membership
2. lose weight (10 lbs would be doable, 15 I would be ecstatic, 20 and I think I'd just about die of excitement)
3. eat more whole foods, cook more of my own food, eat healthier in general (and less sugar!)

we should start a fitness/weight loss thread, I need some motivation.
Sunny said:
3. eat more whole foods, cook more of my own food, eat healthier in general (and less sugar!)

we should start a fitness/weight loss thread, I need some motivation.

oooh! i think i want to borrow that one too! and i agree about the weightloss thread. :)
Traceyann said:
1/ be debt free by the end of the year !
2/ lose 20 kilos

I have alot of debt from making bad decisions and not knowing how to live within a budget after I divorced my husband in '08. So getting debt free is on my list of goals this year. I'm actually following Dave Ramsey's baby steps and making a tight budget. So far so good! The forums on his site are extremely helpful with budgeting and money saving advice.

So I'm with you, Traceyann!
I am giving up my addiction to the Status Quo and exercising some initiative in my life regarding work, money and Human connections.
Okay, I am going to do. It scares me but here I go.

Clean my house

This requires major reorganization, figuring out where to put things (small place), deep cleaning. I just dont know where to start, it is a big step. But I will do it!
I saw that Relle, then I saw how MUCH exercise u are doing and I thought I could never keep up with that lol.....I need to wear a pedometer at work and see how many steps I take each day I walk miles .....but at the end of the day its the old heart rate that makes the difference....

I suppose I just need to bite the bullet and get up at 5am and exercise lol
I use to walk at that time and it was nice and quiet, no one around and your back home by 6 so if you don't do any other exercise for the day I figure its done then and no guilt feelings. Good time too when its hot. I go around 6.30am now and there's always someone to talk to at the park, the time goes quicker that way. I think I'll have to start back and do some interval training with walking and running inbetween.
With all the exercise I'm doing Trace, I should look like Elle McPherson :eek: :lol: .

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