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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2013
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Hi I am melodie I work part time as a nurse and have been making soap for about 4 years. I have sold at an annual craft fairs in pa and sell alot of my soap at work. The nurses and doctors buy me out! When I first started making and selling it I would get looks and people would say it is so much easier to buy in the store. They just did not get it. Well they do now and I actually have docs sending me patients for my soap. LoL:p
I love to make soap, the more you make it the more ideas you get. Currently i am trying to work on a soap for fragile skin for cancer patients, we are not there yet but in expermental stages.
This year I plan on doing and experimenting alot more mostly with herbs and essential oils versus the fragrances but wanted to say Hi!:wave:
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Welcome! In the past I have made a 100% pure olive castile soap that a client of mine was giving to the cancer patients at her place of work. They said it was the only soap they could use!
I was thinking of a pure castle soap too, never made 100% olive oil was afraid of it not being able to harden. I have done 50% and it worked pretty well but for some radiation patients, their skin pracitically peels off I wanted something softer. It will take some experimentation.
I was thinking of a pure castle soap too, never made 100% olive oil was afraid of it not being able to harden. I have done 50% and it worked pretty well but for some radiation patients, their skin pracitically peels off I wanted something softer. It will take some experimentation.
Mine hardened really well. I was able to cut it the day after making it. However the longer you let it cure the better. I've heard 6 months! They turn into really hard, long lasting and mild bars :)
Welcome! Sounds like you have a lot of knowledge to share with us.
Castile is the hardest bar I make! They set up like rocks. And oh so gentle.
Welcome~ Your passion and wisdom is what makes others drawn to you and your soaps. Cheers!

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