May 2024 SMF Challenge: Hanger Swirls!

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I have a question about colors. I used 5 in one loaf and 3 in another. The colors when I hanger swirled mixed and probably created other colors. Would that disqualify the soap from being entered? Because there are more than 5 colors?
I made 2 loaves with 2 totally different color ideas for challenge. I’m hoping to un-mold tonight. Same recipe 2 different fragrances and additives. One fragrance lavender sage accelerated the soap. We’ll see. I am so impatient waiting to see the soap. I think that’s why I love HP. Excited but nervous 😬 ✌🏻
Well, I stayed up into the wee hours making my soap Saturday AM. Unfortunately, very little went as planned. The color scheme I had in mind was pale yellow (the main color), with ice blue, white, and black swirls. The pale yellow was going to be achieved by using only 15% red palm oil, instead of the 30% the recipe calls for. As it turns out, 15% palm oil is still pretty bright orange. Which is fine if that had been the plan.
I think I poured my first layer too high. When I went to do my swirl, my hanger tool seemed to completely lift the soap out of its place. A wire hanger without the pen may have worked better... or my soap had reached too thick of a trace?? I will cut the soap later today, when I get my courage up. Usually, I can't wait to cut. I have a feeling I'm going to have a blurry grey mess of a design.
To top it, my soap may have volcanoed?
To prevent soda ash which plagued my palm oil soap last time I made it, I thought I'd try the oven trick. I don't think my oven gets cool enough, something very weird seems to have happened to the top of the soap.
On a positive note, I mixed my mica in oil for the first time- so much better than mixing with alcohol!! I should have tried this sooner! Thanks AliOop for help on that!
I love mixing the micas in oil too. Much better.
I have a question about colors. I used 5 in one loaf and 3 in another. The colors when I hanger swirled mixed and probably created other colors. Would that disqualify the soap from being entered? Because there are more than 5 colors?
I made 2 loaves with 2 totally different color ideas for challenge. I’m hoping to un-mold tonight. Same recipe 2 different fragrances and additives. One fragrance lavender sage accelerated the soap. We’ll see. I am so impatient waiting to see the soap. I think that’s why I love HP. Excited but nervous 😬 ✌🏻
Additional colors created by the swirling process don’t count, so your 5-color soaps are fine to enter. 😊
To enter the May 2024 SMF Challenge, copy and paste these instructions and the entire list into a new post, adding the next number and your name to the bottom of the list.

Sign-up list:
1. Justsomeguy - it's gonna be nerve wrecking but I'm in. My first venture into multicolored soap😬
2. Ackosel - I need to get a hanger and learn how to use it. Expecting to enjoy the learning process, submit a very unimpressive entry, and have fun doing it!
3. Relle
4. dmcgee5034 - have hanger, will swirl 🌸
5. McKherringFarm
6. akseattle
7. Firefly24
8. SoapM0m - I've been making soap for over 25 years and I've *never* done a challenge! This should be fun! :)
9. The_Emerald_Chicken
10. Vicki C
11. Zuleika - Hang myself on this.
12. Tammyfarms - starting to plan the design. This is the most time consuming part for me. 😂
13. dibbles - it's about time for me to attempt a Luna Swirl
14. CLMP this was a fun challenge!
15.Deebeesnj- excited to participate and learn!
16. ScentimentallyYours - have a new supply of 12” Dunkin’ straws for my swirl tool. 🧋💫
17.Nanna, been a few months since made a soap and thought this would be a good challenge.
Sign-up list:
1. Justsomeguy - it's gonna be nerve wrecking but I'm in. My first venture into multicolored soap😬
2. Ackosel - I need to get a hanger and learn how to use it. Expecting to enjoy the learning process, submit a very unimpressive entry, and have fun doing it!
3. Relle
4. dmcgee5034 - have hanger, will swirl 🌸
5. McKherringFarm
6. akseattle
7. Firefly24
8. SoapM0m - I've been making soap for over 25 years and I've *never* done a challenge! This should be fun! :)
9. The_Emerald_Chicken
10. Vicki C
11. Zuleika - Hang myself on this.
12. Tammyfarms - starting to plan the design. This is the most time consuming part for me. 😂
13. dibbles - it's about time for me to attempt a Luna Swirl
14. CLMP this was a fun challenge!
15.Deebeesnj- excited to participate and learn!
16. ScentimentallyYours - have a new supply of 12” Dunkin’ straws for my swirl tool. 🧋💫
17.Nanna, been a few months since made a soap and thought this would be a good challenge.
18. Bubz
Lots of learning happened today! Mostly I just made a bunch of dumb mistakes. First, I failed to remember that the lye solution would affect the total amount of soap, so when I divided the soap for colors very carefully by weight, I had a lot of batter left over. Had to scramble to find bigger containers for the divisions. Then I inadvertently colored the white soap pink and left the pink soap white. My blue turned green again. Realized that the batter was too thin when I started pouring, but carried on anyway. Did the hanger swirl, but I guess it probably just made mud because the batter was so thin. It wouldn't hold the topping I tried, so I let it sit on the counter while I washed up the dishes.

During cleanup I realized that I forgot to put the essential oil fragrance in because it was in a puddle on the counter. Evidently, essential oils melt disposable plastic cups! I'm glad I only made a small batch of soap. I sopped up the half ounce of essential oils with paper towels and threw them in the garbage. On the plus side, the garbage smells fantastic!😃 After an hour or so, I made the topping I wanted - kind of. By then the soap was pretty stiff for messing around with. I'll be surprised if it turns out looking like anything. It certainly won't smell lovely, but it doesn't stink and it'll still make us clean. Nothing is lost, and experience is gained. Win-win! I can't wait to try again tomorrow!🤣
I have a question about colors. I used 5 in one loaf and 3 in another. The colors when I hanger swirled mixed and probably created other colors. Would that disqualify the soap from being entered? Because there are more than 5 colors?
I made 2 loaves with 2 totally different color ideas for challenge. I’m hoping to un-mold tonight. Same recipe 2 different fragrances and additives. One fragrance lavender sage accelerated the soap. We’ll see. I am so impatient waiting to see the soap. I think that’s why I love HP. Excited but nervous 😬 ✌🏻
Have you cut your soaps yet?
Lots of learning happened today! Mostly I just made a bunch of dumb mistakes. First, I failed to remember that the lye solution would affect the total amount of soap, so when I divided the soap for colors very carefully by weight, I had a lot of batter left over. Had to scramble to find bigger containers for the divisions. Then I inadvertently colored the white soap pink and left the pink soap white. My blue turned green again. Realized that the batter was too thin when I started pouring, but carried on anyway. Did the hanger swirl, but I guess it probably just made mud because the batter was so thin. It wouldn't hold the topping I tried, so I let it sit on the counter while I washed up the dishes.

During cleanup I realized that I forgot to put the essential oil fragrance in because it was in a puddle on the counter. Evidently, essential oils melt disposable plastic cups! I'm glad I only made a small batch of soap. I sopped up the half ounce of essential oils with paper towels and threw them in the garbage. On the plus side, the garbage smells fantastic!😃 After an hour or so, I made the topping I wanted - kind of. By then the soap was pretty stiff for messing around with. I'll be surprised if it turns out looking like anything. It certainly won't smell lovely, but it doesn't stink and it'll still make us clean. Nothing is lost, and experience is gained. Win-win! I can't wait to try again tomorrow!🤣
We've all had soaping days like that! Kudos to you for trying again. :)
My first try was a disaster. Used flowery eo’s and clays with 5 colors. Green with green clay, chickweed powdered and a touch of indigo, blue with blue clay and indigo, red with madder root, yellow dock and pink clay, yellow with calendula, curry powder and yellow clay, purple with blue and red mix. Had all my essential oils in with all the colors door the clay to soak up the smell. My oils were lard, tallow, olive, coconut and castor. I mix to emulsion barely using the stick blender. Proceeded to add to all the colors. The green turned to soap on a stick instantly, then all the others right after. I tried to heat in the microwave which cooked them so I ended up blobbing them into the molds. Hopefully they at least smell nice🤦🏻‍♀️😮‍💨
We've all had soaping days like that! Kudos to you for trying again.
@ackosel , ditto on what @AliOop said! I think we should have a separate competition to see who had the craziest, biggest mistake:eek:
What's amazing is that even after all these little "mess ups" and "forgots", when you cut your soap, it'll probably still look great!
My first try was a disaster.
@Nanna, join the company of those of us with disasters during this challenge!
Sounds like you didn't get a chance to stick your hanger tool into any of those? I bet the soaps will look great even though you had to smash them into the mold. If you're up to it, please post photos, I'd love to see the results of your soaps using those natural colorants.
@ackosel , ditto on what @AliOop said! I think we should have a separate competition to see who had the craziest, biggest mistake:eek:
I like this. Worst of the worst and best of the worst😁

What's amazing is that even after all these little "mess ups" and "forgots", when you cut your soap, it'll probably still look great!
That's why mine was a spectacular failure! Best looking soap I've made to date I think
@Nanna ugh, so sorry. 😢 Those darn flowery EOs smell so good but are the worst for acceleration. Combining them with the thickening power of clays will create a speed challenge, for sure!

To offset the floral EOs, you could try using @KiwiMoose’s trick of adding in some citrus EO to slow it down. The citrus will fade quickly, esp if you don’t soak it in clay with the rest.

For clays, I have to use a lot more water than normal bc they absorb so much, creating such thick batter.

Anyway, if it doesn’t turn out as hoped, you still have time for another go. 🙂
My first try was a disaster. Used flowery eo’s and clays with 5 colors. Green with green clay, chickweed powdered and a touch of indigo, blue with blue clay and indigo, red with madder root, yellow dock and pink clay, yellow with calendula, curry powder and yellow clay, purple with blue and red mix. Had all my essential oils in with all the colors door the clay to soak up the smell. My oils were lard, tallow, olive, coconut and castor. I mix to emulsion barely using the stick blender. Proceeded to add to all the colors. The green turned to soap on a stick instantly, then all the others right after. I tried to heat in the microwave which cooked them so I ended up blobbing them into the molds. Hopefully they at least smell nice🤦🏻‍♀️😮‍💨
Oh dear, I am sorry! The soaps I've had to glob into the mold ended up looking a lot better than I thought they would. I'll bet yours smell wonderful! I'm using all natural colors and essential oils, too. That adds to the challenge of the challenge!

Did you use beef tallow? I have only ever used goat tallow, and that seems to speed things up. Batches where I leave the tallow out move much more slowly. I've got several garbage bags full of beef tallow coming from the butcher next week, so I'll get to see how that compares to goat tallow. I discovered that goat tallow requires a different amount of lye than beef tallow, and it's twice as cleansing! Oh, the things we learn!
I like this. Worst of the worst and best of the worst😁

That's why mine was a spectacular failure! Best looking soap I've made to date I think
@ackosel sorry to hear about your bad luck soap day hope the next try turns out more fun. Like you said it's still soap you can use up at least and who knows maybe it will turn out nice! I couldn't help but laugh about the garbage part smelling nice ha ha!😄
I guess I'm still new enough and addicted enough that the mistakes didn't dampen my enthusiasm one bit! I have too much outside work to get done today to have time to make another little batch, but maybe I'll have a chance to play tomorrow!
@ackosel , ditto on what @AliOop said! I think we should have a separate competition to see who had the craziest, biggest mistake:eek:
What's amazing is that even after all these little "mess ups" and "forgots", when you cut your soap, it'll probably still look great!
I cut my soap this morning, and oh my land, it looks amazing to my beginner, untrained eye! But it fell victim to a terrible, uneven cutting job, and it has some mysterious little orange dots in it... I checked all the oils I used and none of them are even close to their expiration. It couldn't be the essential oils because they never found their way into the soap! I don't know if it's DOS or something else. It's mostly in the plain, uncolored soap, so I don't think it's clumps of colorant, either. Huh.
@ackosel it can't be DOS as that takes weeks to develop. Since the soap is (unintentionally) unfragranced, it's more likely that some ingredient reacted with the lye solution to create the color dots, or the pouring and swirling pulled over some other colors into the white. Colors often change as the soap fully saponifies, so let us know tomorrow if those dots are still orange, would you?
@ackosel it can't be DOS as that takes weeks to develop. Since the soap is (unintentionally) unfragranced, it's more likely that some ingredient reacted with the lye solution to create the color dots, or the pouring and swirling pulled over some other colors into the white. Colors often change as the soap fully saponifies, so let us know tomorrow if those dots are still orange, would you?
Thanks, that makes me feel better! I think I may have figured it out. I used 100% goat milk instead of water. I bet the little dots are milk fat globules that soponified before the lye solution was mixed with the oils. Also, I tried to force gel on a heating pad. I don't think it gelled, but that wouldn't have caused the dots.

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