Liquid oil weight ratio to solid oil weight?

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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I recall reading a while ago that your solid oils (coconut, palm, etc) should be about the same as your liquid oils.

I'm within 80%. A little more liquid than solid.
my hard oils tend to be up to 70% sometimes as well. the recipe with least amount of hard oils is 30%. I can not decide which is my favorite. There is no right answer. It really depends on your recipe and the qualities you are trying to achieve.
my hard oils tend to be up to 70% sometimes as well. the recipe with least amount of hard oils is 30%. I can not decide which is my favorite. There is no right answer. It really depends on your recipe and the qualities you are trying to achieve.

Totally. I just make all-around soap. Nothing specific to any certain parameter. I've used the soap I make for washing, shampoo, and to shave with for about 4 years now.

I'm just tweaking my recipe now that I need to increase the amount. I posted a feedback question about my percentages recently. Just trying to get everything dialed in before I start weighing out my ingredients.

Olive: 39%
Coconut 24%
Palm 20%
Hemp 9%
Castor 6%

Superfatted at 8%
Castile is pure olive oil--that's why it breaks his "rule", as it's a soap made with only a soft oil. :)

Gotchya... Dr. Bronner's calls their soap "Pure-Castile Soap" which never made sense to me. They use coconut, palm, olive, hemp, jojoba oils.