I want a new mold

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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I want to get a new mold the kind with the dividers. Do any of you use these kinds of molds? I'm just wondering where I can one that isn't so expensive.
I use Kelsei Molds. They are less than $100.
I also use a Kelsei mold. I also have one made out of plexiglass that my hub made for me. I like it, but the first couple of times before it was "conditioned" my soap stuck in it. :(
I think brambleberry has molds with dividers but I don;t know the price point. It's been a long time since I've researched any.
liner molds

ok, so on these molds, can you pour in your soap, swirl it, and then put the dividers in...
because i can't get a good swirl with my homemade loaf mold
do they need liners because they were $50.00
Re: liner molds

bhendrix said:
ok, so on these molds, can you pour in your soap, swirl it, and then put the dividers in...
because i can't get a good swirl with my homemade loaf mold
do they need liners because they were $50.00
Yes you can swirl before putting in the dividers. and on the kelsei's, no you don't need to line them, but your soap may stick the first couple of times you use it until it is "conditioned" (not a necessary step, you can put saran wrap on the bottom of the mold and that won't happen)