I made Salt Bars :)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Made some salt bars yesterday for the first time. The only silicone cavity moulds I had were some heart shaped ones and a cube one from Brambleberry. Most of the heart ones came out Ok...some crumbled on the edges a bit, but the cube ones were a disaster! Can't ever seem to get these soaps out of this mould very good (even normal ones...guess its practice). Scented them with Ylang Ylang EO and coloured half with pink clay, and other with kaolin clay...tried a bit of a swirl...can see it a bit. All in all I think they worked out OK....now just have to wait for them to cure to see what all the fuss is about :)



They are pretty bars. Some of my salt bars were a bit crumbly around the edges, also. The scent sticks great though in salt bars. I am ready to make another batch and use individual molds with rounded edges.
These are so very pretty! They are so soft looking, I thought they were bath bombs or lotion bars!

Wish I could get Bath Bombs to work out here.....its just too humid, and they go all puffy. Will try them again in the winter...may have some luck then :) And thanks for your kind words :)
Here is a video for no-fail bath bombs. You might give a small batch a try.
