Humidity & trace time?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2009
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Mtns. Of NC
It has been raining(&raininig&raining :shock: ) here , and it seems like my cp soap has been coming to trace Really Fast :shock: Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? I almost had a batch seize on me awhile ago! Never happened on sunny days. I did use a new FO in the last batch & I'm sure that's what made it want to seize, but my other batches have been close to doing the same thing with no scent or scents I've used before and never had a problem. Does humidity affect trace?
It could be just me, but it seems when it is humid and I made soap, I have some strange rusty areas on the soap when I turn it out of the mold. It is always on the side which would be the top of the mold and it just makes me sick because it makes the soap ugly. The rusty areas don't go very deep into the soap, but are ugly enough I can't sell it. Does anyone know any other reason this might happen? It is just my observation that it seems to happen more often if it is rainy when I make a batch.