How long do your bars last?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
On average, how long does a bar of your soap last?

4 weeks and a day after curing, I put a bar in a soap cozy and started using it for every shower. Today, less than a month later, it is now just a sliver.

I'm disappointed it didn't even last a month. I am thinking the soap cozy may have had a hand in speeding up the usage time, but I don't know. That's why I'm wondering about all your soaps and how long they last for you...?

Thank you!
My hubby goes through a bar roughly every two weeks but he is hairy and really lathers up. I mostly use salt bars and they last well over a month.
Making sure your soap can completely dry quickly between uses is important.
when I lived alone, a bar of soap can last up to 2 months. my bf however, seems like he eats the soap - he showers at least twice a it seems like soap lasts about 2 weeks (if that...maybe 10 days?). there's always need for new soap in the shower.....

my kitchen soap lasts about 3 weeks, even though it's almost always wet and gummy.....
Seriously depends on what level of Wookiee effect is involved. I can have a bar last well over a month, but when hubby uses the same soap, with his Wookiee level of say, 8/10, the soap can be gone in under 2 weeks. Of course different oils change the length of time they last too and improper drainage when left in the shower but I swear it's all about the hair.
With 4 people, 3 of whom shower twice a day, our family goes through a bar a week. We are pretty clean folks over here :-D
Anna Marie
I am the only one using my bar, and it lasts between 4-5 weeks. Which is almost perfect for me, as I can evaluate each bar for itself on the lather/drying/cleanliness spectrums under enough different conditions to call it a fair evaluation.
Omg reading previous replies I am ashamed to say we can go through few bars a week, easy.
Some of us shower few times a day, some only once, but still, geez.
Our teenage daughter can spend up to at least 10-15 minutes under water (after that time we tend to bang on the door and warn her :p) and by the times she's done, soap is done as well. I think for her alone, one bar would be enough for maybe a week or probably less.
I don't make heaps of soap, I never have more than 30 bars curing, but at this rate, I have to make 3-4 1kg loaves every month. My side of the family (dad, mum, brother) use up the rest. They also need heaps, I'm sending them 10-15 bars every few months.
I think soap last me roughly just about a month and I am the only one that uses bar soap. My husband thinks I am strange but I like wash just my face alone about 3 times while in the shower. I guess I am a clean freak lol. My soap stays out of the water and so its just me going crazy lathering up and scrubbing away and repeating...literally lol :)
Great info here! It's always on the back of my mind that maybe I haven't let my soaps harden up enough, therefore causing them not to last very long. And good to know that it depends on how many people in your family and how hairy they are...even though, when I think about it, it's common sense :) There are three of us: my husband (who is 6ft), myself, and our 4 yr old (who also likes to play submarine with the soap sometimes). A 5-6oz bar at our house tends to last about 3-4, roughly, a month.
It depends a great deal on how long it has cured, too. A 4 week old soap will not last long at all, I don't use mine until they are at least 8 weeks. They seem to last a long time but I also have 5-10 bars lining the tub at any given time, I never use the same one twice in a row, so kinda hard to say how long mine last.
I'm curious. Do any of you actually count showers and keep track of days? Seems to be taking data collection a little far but at least you don't have sign in sheets and check lists for bath, shower, etc. Do you? Oh my. Please say no. I know this is the information age, but... :grin:

only way I knew was how frequently we used to buy soap. we would buy 12 bars (b/c we got a discount to buy in bulk), and it would last a few months....worked out to be about a bar a week. but, these bars are really high in soy oil, so they melted fast. I think now the ones I make last about 2 weeks. I know for a fact that the kitchen soap lasts me about 3 weeks, but I wash my hands A LOT, and for some reason the dish sponge ends up living on the soap (not my doing). doesn't help the longevity of the soap.....
My soaps are all high in either olive oil or lard or tallow. All of them except for my oatmeal soap and my carrot soap are quite hard and long-lasting -- about a month with hubby and I using them for body and hair. The last two recipes tend to be kinda soft, but they are both sooo nice on face and skin, and the carrot one works well on hair also, so nobody seems to mind too much that they run out quicker.
I'm curious. Do any of you actually count showers and keep track of days? Seems to be taking data collection a little far but at least you don't have sign in sheets and check lists for bath, shower, etc. Do you? Oh my. Please say no. I know this is the information age, but... :grin:

I bet there's an app for that.
I'm curious. Do any of you actually count showers and keep track of days? Seems to be taking data collection a little far but at least you don't have sign in sheets and check lists for bath, shower, etc. Do you? Oh my. Please say no. I know this is the information age, but... :grin:

I don't keep track of showers and bars, but I will try to the next time I start a new bar. The easiest way to keep track of that would probably be a sign-in sheet for...oh, never mind... :)
If you really wanted an app you could use a stitch counting app like one used for knitting but instead of stitches count showers.
My BBF goes through soap fast, a bar in a week. I get a few weeks out of the same bar. I actually start using them before I give her some out of the same batch. We've talked about it to try to understand why the same soap lasts me so much longer. I use a net scrubby that I lather up and use to wash myself. She rubs the bar directly on her skin. She uses the when she shaves daily, rub a strip up her leg, shave, rub/shave, until she is done. Since I work from home and wear jeans I am too lazy to shave daily. We both lay the soaps on a tray that allows them to dry. So I really think that the soap attributes and the usage styles each contribute to the length the bar will last.

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