How do I begin using an accounting program for the coming year?

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Do what you love while you can. My uncle retired at 55 and said he massively regretted it because he was incredibly bored. I think he's gotten used to it now.

$500 a month is actually pretty easy as long as you're going to markets. I usually make between $150 and $200 per market. Last year I was making closer to $300 a market. Though this year has been really tough and I'm not sure what happened. Because of it, we have had extra money when something has happened. Most of my money goes back into the business but it has paid for my cats cremation, new tires, a broken ac, that sort of thing.

If you get Soap Maker 3, it will allow you to track purchases, and will even give up a cost if you set it up correctly. There are some issues with SM3 though. For example, it doesn't have the ability to properly record reselling an item. Lets say you have something like Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate that's been sitting there a couple years. It's still good because it's powdered and it isn't currently in SM3 and you have no idea how much you originally paid for it, or how much you've exactly used. Adding it now will throw off the totals. You'll see what I mean. I asked if there's a way to do this from the creators and was told "This isn't an accounting program so there are things it can't do. You can add it but the totals will be wrong and you will need to adjust it when it comes tax time". Hence why I'm looking at alternatives. It doesn't track the method you paid with either.

SM3 is great for tracking inventory, material costs, etc. But not for everything.

To use hotels as a reference again because it's what I know... there are some programs that hotels use that are also complete accounting programs and can do everything you could possibly need. These programs are expensive, difficult to use, and deeply involved but they are a beauty once you know the program properly. One of the most expensive is called Opera (no not the surf engine). If you get the full suite, it could cost you thousands a month but it could do anything you can imagine and probably things you haven't even thought of.

Most hotels can't afford that and it's much cheaper to use other programs to achieve the same thing even if it takes more time. One company I worked with had 4 hotels and the owner kept changing the program we all used for them at least once a year (it was maddening). It threw everything into chaos every time he did it. But the program they used for accounting has always been the same... Quickbooks. Quickbooks is capable of tracking money in ways that all the programs he ever signed us up for could never do.

Hence why I'm looking at alternatives. I can't afford the expensive way. I can't afford an accountant to help me track things. So I have to figure out how to do it myself. I don't like admitting this and try to keep it light but I was in a severe car accident in 2004. It caused bleeding in my brain in the front and back of my head and a skull fracture, among other very serious damage to my left leg (I had to relearn how to walk). I couldn't remember most of my childhood for about 5 years. For almost a year, I couldn't smell anything and I cried the first time I actually smelled a cheeseburger.

Now... to the others who have seen fit to talk down to me when I have never done the same to you on this forum.

There are other effects it's had. My patience is much lower than it ever was. I used to be good at math, but now even basic addition can frustrate me almost to tears. My husband has seen me rage about math problems, and accounting is like another language to me. I can't keep it in my head. I used to be able to do complicated chemistry, algebra, etc in my head without needing anything to write it down. I can't do that anymore. I forget things easier and sometimes I forget to record things. I can't keep the rules straight on how to do any of it. I worked hard on my recipes and they are all recorded in writing so I can follow them. I can remember what oils and things do because I've been working with it so long. But accounting is too complicated for me now.

You have NO IDEA how hard this is to deal with. I was a genius level IQ and I lost it all when my skull hit the pavement when I was struck crossing the street.

So you insult me about how I am a frustrating person to deal with because I just don't want to learn it. I took accounting in college, do you understand? I lost it all. I can't handle it now. But I don't have the money to afford to hire people to do it for me, so I'm trying to figure out a better way of doing it that -I- can handle. A way I can learn it slowly, from start to finish. Repeating the same thing over and over and over again is the only way I can learn even if it takes a thousand times before I get it.

I'm sorry I'm frustrating you. You are welcome to scroll on by whatever I say.

Gecko, I could tell you've gotten frustrated with me. Hence why I stopped asking you anything and posted it on the wide forum. You don't HAVE to help me. You can scroll on by if you see something I've said that you didn't like.

I've been here for years. I've never felt so unwelcome. I've tried so hard to be nice and helpful here because I don't want to lose access. Anywhere else, I have a big mouth and can say mean things without thinking about it. But I read and reread everything I write here so I'm sure it isn't going to come across badly.

Yet I get this.

Thanks for making me feel so warm and fuzzy inside for frustrating you.
I'm sorry for your injury and struggles. Your story is similar to my SIL, who was injured at work. She has similar outcomes, except she can't work now. The emotional toll on her has been really rough.

I think you may find that while we can't know really what it's like, we do care what happened and wish you strength and more good days than bad.
I'm sorry for your injury and struggles. Your story is similar to my SIL, who was injured at work. She has similar outcomes, except she can't work now. The emotional toll on her has been really rough.

I think you may find that while we can't know really what it's like, we do care what happened and wish you strength and more good days than bad.
Thanks paradisi. I just get upset when someone starts attacking me for something I literally can't control. I've been working on trying to get it back for almost 20 years. I've remembered my childhood but I don't think being able to understand complicated puzzles is ever going to come back. It was a punch to the gut. Then zany continuing the attack didn't help. This is the one topic that will get me very upset every time because it's so deeply personal.

I'm so sorry for your SIL. It takes so much work to get to a place where you were that most people can't even imagine it. Especially when you know what you've lost but you can't quite touch it. Like it's there just out of reach but there's a brick wall you can't break between you.

To the others

Just realize what you say matters. And just as you want others to be kind to you, be kind to them.
Now... to the others who have seen fit to talk down to me when I have never done the same to you on this forum.

There are other effects it's had. My patience is much lower than it ever was. I used to be good at math, but now even basic addition can frustrate me almost to tears. My husband has seen me rage about math problems, and accounting is like another language to me. I can't keep it in my head. I used to be able to do complicated chemistry, algebra, etc in my head without needing anything to write it down. I can't do that anymore. I forget things easier and sometimes I forget to record things. I can't keep the rules straight on how to do any of it. I worked hard on my recipes and they are all recorded in writing so I can follow them. I can remember what oils and things do because I've been working with it so long. But accounting is too complicated for me now.

You have NO IDEA how hard this is to deal with. I was a genius level IQ and I lost it all when my skull hit the pavement when I was struck crossing the street.

So you insult me about how I am a frustrating person to deal with because I just don't want to learn it. I took accounting in college, do you understand? I lost it all. I can't handle it now. But I don't have the money to afford to hire people to do it for me, so I'm trying to figure out a better way of doing it that -I- can handle. A way I can learn it slowly, from start to finish. Repeating the same thing over and over and over again is the only way I can learn even if it takes a thousand times before I get it.

I'm sorry I'm frustrating you. You are welcome to scroll on by whatever I say.

Gecko, I could tell you've gotten frustrated with me. Hence why I stopped asking you anything and posted it on the wide forum. You don't HAVE to help me. You can scroll on by if you see something I've said that you didn't like.

I've been here for years. I've never felt so unwelcome. I've tried so hard to be nice and helpful here because I don't want to lose access. Anywhere else, I have a big mouth and can say mean things without thinking about it. But I read and reread everything I write here so I'm sure it isn't going to come across badly.

Yet I get this.

Thanks for making me feel so warm and fuzzy inside for frustrating you.
I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell my husband when he cops an attitude with me...I CANNOT READ YOUR MIND! If there is a problem, you need to talk me. I'm okay if you're having a bad day...if you're grouchy because you are hurting worse than usual or because you didn't get enough rest or because you forgot to eat, but you NEED to talk to me. And if you don't tell me what is going on and you're a jerk about it, then expect me to be a jerk right back. And if you are too effing proud to admit that you were a jerk, then expect me to not want much to do with you because I'm a human being with feelings too.

I'm sorry to hear that you have cognitive issues after your accident. My husband worked as a software engineer for a major tech company and was forced into early retirement do to a negative reaction and long-term side effects of head radiation therapy. His long-term memory is good, his short-term...not so good. He has trouble with simple stuff, cannot drive, cannot do a lot of things he once did. So yeah, I think I have a pretty good idea.

Unfortunately we have come full circle and I'm sorry to say that I am even less tolerant of you than I previously was and here is why: you just admitted that the problem is yours, yet you are blaming me. It wouldn't have been simple matter to respond something along the lines of: "I can see why feel the way you do, but do to an accident, I struggle with this, that and the other thing." But you didn't...and that's your choice. And it is also your choice, after the conversation has moved on some three days later, to whine and cry and personally attack me. Sorry (NOT)...homie don't play those games. don't seem to have too much problem with dealing with the public on a regular basis, so I'm not sure what your issue is with me. And please don't take that as a reason to attack me further. We are done here. Good day and good luck.
Then zany continuing the attack didn't help.
??? Would you like some cheese with that whine? :nodding:

I'm sorry you feel that way about what I wrote. But that's on you, not me. Just so you know, attacking me is a poor way to respond to what I wrote. i suggest you wait 3 days and read what I wrote again, with a positive attitude -- because that's what was intended.
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