Hi from Melbourne

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I've been reading this forum for a while and figured it was pretty rude of me to keep reading without at least saying hello! My soap-making dream is to perfect my own shampoo bar recipe, because shampoo bars are not easy to come by over here - pretty much can only get them online and by the time you pay shipping they're super expensive!

I've just tested my very first batch of CP soap, I made a fairly basic 4-oil recipe just to have a go at the process. Happy with the results, so I probably have a bit of a false sense of security now! I'm about to launch into my first batch of my own recipe which is a bit more complicated as I have added a few things to help with my eczema-prone skin. fingers crossed!
Hi Albo.
I'm from Qld.
Newbie here too.
You're right...shampoo bars are hard to come by here.
Might see u round the forum.

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