Halloween Soap - Thanks to Sanguine

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Jan 31, 2009
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Sanguine's post (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=33026) was the inspiration behind this soap. Many thanks because I'm pleased by the way it turned out.

Spider rings set on top - (next time I'll have to let the soap set up more before putting the rings on because they sunk slightly into the top, also I'll space the spiders a little more carefully) :lol:

I always seem to have a little soap left over so the very last picture is what I did with the remainder.

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Thanks! It was really fun to do and I hope my nieces like it, too. I forgot to give them their bars when they were over the other day. :oops: Oh well, Halloween isn't until Wednesday.
Ooooooo, pretty, my colours, I noticed you didn't cut the little spidies legs off when you cut the slices 8) .Now I know, you really do love spidies. What does Kismet smell like ? - send me a scratch and sniff through the puter screen :lol: .
I used a knife to hold up the spider legs and then inserted my cutter underneath the knife. It was very awkward to do and as you can see, the bars are a wee bit crooked. However, the important thing is I had fun and that's all that matters. You do know it's all about me. :wink:

I thought Kismet smelled great oob. I don't know how it compares to Lush's Karma because I've never smelled it. I wasn't as impressed with it in the soap. It didn't smell as good and I actually thought it smelled funky. Now that it's been several weeks, the funkiness is gone and I like it because it reminds me of incense with maybe a hint of patchouli. Normally, I don't like patchouli but this does smell nice. It's a very soft scent but that also might be because I only used .7 oz ppo (that's all the FO I had). Unfortunately, I read a review which says this FO fades and the person recommended Kazi-Kazi from Daystar for a FO that will stick in the soap.

Here's a link to a post about Lush dupes at Daystar. http://soapmakingforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=89760
Thank you! I got lucky with the swirls. I did find out the spiders come out of the soap very easily and the soap has nice lather - lots of small and big bubbles plus it's a frothier type of lather. I expected it to be more of a creamy lather. It's also more conditioning than I thought it would turn out. I'll have to try this recipe again. :D
Very cute soaps Hazel, I showed my lil one and he loved the "spidys" as he calls them! :D
Thank you, ladies!

judymoody said:
potato masher technique

Yes, the potato masher technique - very high tech. :wink:

I should have mentioned it was the masher which is made with a curved wire and not the round one with holes. Oddly enough, I was in the grocery store and saw a differently styled potato masher. It had vertical prongs attached to a horizontal bar. I picked it up and seriously thought about buying it. I thought it might be interesting to try in soap, too. But I was strong, put it back down and walked away. I was sooo proud of myself. :lol:

Although, I don't know if I'll be as strong the next time I'm at the store.
I was thinking of buying black oxide, but I like the look you got with activated charcoal. Plus, it has other benefits. Hmmm... ideas for next order. Thanks Hazel!
Black oxide would work, too. Just remember you don't need much with the activated charcoal if you decide to use it. I think the 1/4 teaspoon would have been enough for the color.

You're welcome! I'm happy to share the little bit of info I know. :lol:
Very nice looking soaps!
Next year everyone can say what they are scared of and make a whole range of halloween SMF soaps. :lol:
Actually, it may not be as scary next year. I won't be as afraid to answer the phone and find someone from one of the political parties telling me why I should vote for their candidate. I think it should be a law that they're identified on caller ID for whichever candidate they're supporting instead of the ID just showing as "Private". I'm so tired of all the phone calls but I guess it's better than them showing up at the front door. :lol:
They call you and come at your door? Strange!
Thank god we dont have that here, downside: we're forced to vote...
I haven't had any political supporters show up at the house for years. Maybe they don't do it anymore? But we get a lot of phone calls now; which to be fair, are easier to ignore. :twisted:

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