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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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the ceiling in my soaping room is pouring water out of it! i had all my stuff out to make some soap today and now, i have to demolish my room (again) so that the repair guys can come in and fix it (again) :twisted: :evil: :cry:
omg sad day :(

also: JEALOUS that you HAVE a soap room! lol!
i <3 my soaping room. i am going to have a daybed type thing built in there with shelves/storage underneath and it has a huge closet the is almost half the size of the room that i am going to convert into a curing closet.

i have had the ceiling repaired and replaced 2 already and now there is a waterfall in the room. that is the only thing that sucks, i keep getting everything "just so" and then something happens and i have to take the entire room apart and find somewhere to store it all. :(
and i cant soap :*(
I am sorry for your room, that really sucks. I am jealous of the soap room too. I have a small kitchen and that is my soap room. My fridge is my soap storage area. :oops:
I'm so envious of you having a soap room, but not of the problems you're having with it.

Hopefully this lot of repairing will be the last and you can enjoy it non stop as your 'soaping room'.
Oh, what a pain! And mess, and expense. Hope it stays fixed this time!
Yikes! I would cry too if that happened to me, I have a soap room, where my stuff is stored but not where the magic happens :0) but I would cry if it got wet! I hope all of your soapies are safe!!!
soap basement

Sorry about your soap room. do you know what caused it was it a water leak from pipes or bad roofing?

I'm happy the house my husband and I are renting has 2 kitchens and I use the one in the basement really nice since the door to outside is right next to where i work. :lol:
the people who were hired by the owner of the house did a "fix it and make it look pretty, cheap" job. so the bathroom pipes right above my soap room were the problem.

i have lots of renovations in mind for the soap room but DH says he is going to buy me a premade 2 story shed thing and have it custom made to what i want inside to be my office and soaping place so i am not working too hard on getting things just the way it want it.
I'm sorry to hear about your waterfall. Hopefully, your husband will get you the shed (you lucky person) soon so you don't have to deal with the room.

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