Fragrance oils

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Honestly, it's personal preference. I use both because there are some wonderful fo scents that you just can't replicate with eo's.
If you decide to use eo's though, please make sure you read up on the eo's you are using and that you use them safely.

There are many books and websites you can find about using eo's.
are you looking just for scent or are you looking to make therapeutic soaps? if its just scent I would go with FO. but there are some scents that you can only get with EOs
I use FO for two reasons. First, they cost significantly less in the place I buy my stuff, and second they are more stable I think. This is something that I noticed when I made my first bars, and I concluded that the EO is being partially saponified by the lye. However, this is only an explanation that I gave to myself, I am not sure if it actually happens. Fact is that FO gave more stable results to me.
Hi Micawbbr,

Many thoughts come to mind when considering EO vs FO: cost vs lasting power, irritation with some EO's- clove is an irritant to some, bergomot others (must use begaptene free berg eo). Another is some eo like smells can be made into fo's since they are just better with regards to staying power and lasting through CP rigors-heat, alkalinity, etc. A good example of FO designed to smell like an eo is Cedarwood Mint (YUM!), English Lavender (the eo is very faint in CP soaps no matter how much you use but the FO is a very nice & rugged duplication), Frankincense & Myrhh (have not found a good FO duplication to measure up the $$ eo's but I know Zum bars use a FO- see label).

Do the math to get an idea of cost comparisons. Try patchouli eo since this always smells great. Use a tiny amount since it survives well in CP soaps and stays. On the shelf, the eo ages beautifully, gets mellow and more like a loving hug. I love patch + bitter orange eo's in melt n pour, but alas, the citrus gets wiped out by the lye in CP. I think you'll find, like many of us, experimenting with both is fun.
