Few latest soaps

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
it's been a while since i last posted in this sub forum. well, here they are:

*bird stamp: tres leches (3 milks soap: gm, cm, bm) with lanolin and shea butter
*cat stamp: beer soap with cm and french vanilla
*buttermilk baby soaps
*my sad attempts at conquering the butterfly swirl :p this technique is addictive, i must say! going to make some more coz i like the surprise i got while i cut the soap :D

thanks for looking!

tres leches soap.jpg

beer vanilla.jpg

baby buttermilk.jpg

baby soap duck.jpg



thanks guys :)

it's really hard (for me anyway) to get a butterfly effect. my first try, i got something like a grasshopper, a really sad looking one, lol! i'm going to keep trying as this technique is addictive :D
Those are all so beautiful. And I'd say you are getting very close on the butterfly. I have no idea how you get that effect. Is there a tutorial somewhere, or some tips you'd share? Just what I'd need, an addiction on top of the addiction, lol!
pretty as always seven. The last pictures actually looks like a masquerade mask rather than butterfly for me.
thank youuuusss :)

drop swirls + hanger. that's it! :D
thanks @Ellacho

@CaraBou okay, i will do that next time :D
I wanna watch that video too cause those are gorgeous! so now you've gotta make it for both of the alaska girls
lol, okay! if it helps, i poured the swirls quite randomly, kinda b/w drop and layering the colors like you would do a tiger stripes. and when it's time for the hanger, i just made U U U, a few times. and that's about it :D