feeling down

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
BC, Canada
Well it's way past my bed time again and I can't sleep, aside from working late drafting. I know the reason I can't sleep is because I feel terible that I have to buy glasses for my 3 year old little girl tomarrow. I know it's silly and compleatly irrational to think that it's my faul, but I do. I know it is genetics and it's just glasses, but I know she is going to have to wear them her whole life and be picked on in school when she gets there (I know cause it happened to me when I got mine when I was 8).

I know it's silly to be worrying, because I know she is fine, she is just near sighted, and I know that glasses will make it so that she can see clearly, so they are a good thing. I probably shouldn't be posting this but I figured it would help me feel better to write out how I feel.

Gaah I don't know why I'm being so stupid, they are just glasses....
Kit Kat it's definately NOT YOUR FAULT! I'm a life long glasses wearer in a family of non glasses dependant people. At 45 my eyes are shot, so i would suggest you let her have some playtime breaks without the glasses, and look up those pin-hole glasses that are said to strengthen the eyes and let her wear them for fun.

I only view my bad eye-sight as an act of nature. But I do understand your feelings. I have a niece who is 3 and wears glasses.
Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I know how you feel, my son had to have glasses at an early age. But your right it's not your fault. My sons father is 48 and he has never had to have glasses. I started wearing glasses at 18 but I was only the tiniest bit near sighted. And my eyes have not worsened.....yet my son could be classified as legally blind:( He's 20.

I understand what you mean though, but I don't know, seems like kids are more excepting of cool glasses these days. I think she will be fine. Elementary years she might get a little teased. And then there are contacts!:)

Big loving hugs to ya,
My little girl had to get glasses just about Christmas last year, for the same reason, she had just turned 7. A lot of her boy pals had glasses and they got picked on, that soon settled down once the novelty wore off. She got some really funky pinky purply ones (I was jealous - I would wear them!) and everyone thought she looked cool.
Don't automatically think the worst, if she is three all her pals will automatically get used to seeing her with them and after a while it will be no big deal and they won't even notice! People now think DD looks funny when she doesn't wear them! She only wears them to school.
{{{Hugs}}} It is certainly not your fault ..Like Dixie said , they have the coolest glasses now, the kids will be jealous and want glasses. Just went through this with 8 yr old GD . Her eyes are fine but a girl in her class got very cool glasses, guess who's vision was terrible all of a sudden LOL.
My motto is "if that's the worst that happened we are blessed."

EVERYONE gets teased for something... Glasses have nothing to do with it :wink:

And if it helps you any, I'll admit to you that when I was a kid I went to the eye doctor in the hopes that I would get glasses (I thought they looked cool). I got denied and for a short time wore plain-glass non-prescription glasses. No, I'm not making it up :D
Thank you all for your kind words. I know it's not my fault, and I feel better now that I spent the day shopping and buy supplies :D .

We picked out some hot pink cinderella glasses for her, photo chromatic and all that. Is it me or should childrens glasses not cost $400? Ouch that was a blow to the budget :shock: .

Thank you all again, I think I just needed to talk to some one. My husband says I'm a worry wort, lol.
donniej said:
EVERYONE gets teased for something... Glasses have nothing to do with it :wink:

And if it helps you any, I'll admit to you that when I was a kid I went to the eye doctor in the hopes that I would get glasses (I thought they looked cool). I got denied and for a short time wore plain-glass non-prescription glasses. No, I'm not making it up :D

:lol: Oh my goodness! We did the same thing too- plain non-prescription glasses! As silly as it seems we also thought it looked cool to have braces when we were kids. Our teeth were good and straight, and baces were not on the agenda for us, so we used to walk around with those paper-backed foil sealer things that came on our milk cartons at school and thought we looked so cool. 8)

kitkat- my son had to get glasses at 4 years old (as far sighted as a person can possible be). His eye doc said his eyes would never get better and that he would always have to wear glasses.

I later found a great eye clinic down the street from us that practices what is called Vision Therapy. Everyone who works there are board certified optometrists and opthamologists and they have a whole regimen of exercises tailor-made for each individual to get their brain and the eyes working together more efficiently to improve their sight. Two different friends of ours had gone there and had been greatly helped, so we brought our son in once a week for 6 months and at the end of those 6 months his glasses prescription was reduced by 1/3. He still wears glasses, but they aren't as coke-bottle thick anymore as they used to be. Sometimes (as well intentioned as they are), doctors can be too quick and loose with that word, 'never') :wink:

IrishLass :)
EVERYONE gets teased for something... Glasses have nothing to do with it

And if it helps you any, I'll admit to you that when I was a kid I went to the eye doctor in the hopes that I would get glasses (I thought they looked cool). I got denied and for a short time wore plain-glass non-prescription glasses. No, I'm not making it up

Oh my goodness! We did the same thing too- plain non-prescription glasses! As silly as it seems we also thought it looked cool to have braces when we were kids. Our teeth were good and straight, and baces were not on the agenda for us, so we used to walk around with those paper-backed foil sealer things that came on our milk cartons at school and thought we looked so cool.

lol, you know what I remember that too, I used to want glasses, untill I got them, and I also wanted braces.

but I never put fack ones on, lol.

Thank you all for your kind words and for making me laugh. You have truly made me feel better about this :D .
My 11 y/o got glasses last fall & is in absolute LOVE w/ them. I don't think anyone picks on her & she is pretty proud of them to tell the truth. I felt back cause I had no idea my daughter was nearly blind. 20/500 is blind, she is 20/250. A mom should have figured that out sooner. The Dr kept saying with a mean look on his face "No really, you did know?" Kudos to you for catching it so soon!!!
kitkat_pro said:
lol, you know what I remember that too, I used to want glasses, untill I got them, and I also wanted braces.

My Mom suggested I get them but I never wanted braces. If I had it to do all over again, I might have gotten them.

I was also born with severe nasal obstructions (severely deviated septum). So much so that I could never breath through my nose. As a kid I got multiple surgeries to try to correct this. My nose is also a little larger than perhaps would be perfect, and I had the option to get it "fixed" as part of these surgeries... But even though I got teased for it constantly, it was part of who I was and I felt it was wrong to change it.

My point is that our imperfections play a huge part in making us who we are.