Experience of anorexic dog? Anyone?

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They haven't given us a stage recently but when he was diagnosed 7 weeks ago they said borderline 2-3.

I get the feeling the vet is still of the opinion there's hope because he was talking about 'when Buster comes through this..' But I just find it hard to believe after seeing him today

He did talk about giving sub q fluids using a skin button or something.

Okay, so your vet hasn't given up...that's good.

Is he still at the clinic? Can they line fed him for you?

This is not a promise, but it's not unusual for them to bounce back.
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He is still there. They called with an update this morning to say he's still not eating. They keep syringe feeding him and he's letting them. He hasn't lost anymore weight since yesterday but he's lost around 2kg in little over a week. He was never a massive dog, usually around 19kg

They're treating him for pancreatitis too at the moment.

I'm worried that if he does pull through this event it is only a matter of weeks till he has another. It feels wrong to press on getting him well if this is going to keep on happening to him.

The nurse that called said she's seen dogs in worst condition pull round which would be promising if I wasn't worried about it just keep happening time and time again.
He is still there. They called with an update this morning to say he's still not eating. They keep syringe feeding him and he's letting them. He hasn't lost anymore weight since yesterday but he's lost around 2kg in little over a week. He was never a massive dog, usually around 19kg

They're treating him for pancreatitis too at the moment.

I'm worried that if he does pull through this event it is only a matter of weeks till he has another. It feels wrong to press on getting him well if this is going to keep on happening to him.

The nurse that called said she's seen dogs in worst condition pull round which would be promising if I wasn't worried about it just keep happening time and time again.

Hi Sonya

Newbie here!

Is it at an ordinary vets or a specialist referral centre?
Specialist referral hospital. Dread to think how big the bill is getting. Thankfully we have insurance but it will only cover the first 4K

I know but you cant think of that now. Specialist referrals are brilliant, we have had quite a bit of experience with them with various animals and they are usually really good at getting further advice. And they also dont give up without a fight - next time you go in to see him I would ask to speak to the nurse or vet tech looking after him and have a proper chat with them, they should be able to explain the prognosis without it being a formal vet visit.

Know its a horrible time (been there done it too many times) but if there is a chance he can recover they will move heaven and earth to get him there and then its about managing his condition.

Thinking of you.
Specialist referral hospital. Dread to think how big the bill is getting. Thankfully we have insurance but it will only cover the first 4K

I know but you cant think of that now.

Well, actually...she does need to think about that. It's unfair, but it's also not fair to say someone should spend money they don't have. When I was a CVT I never insisted someone plow on with care when it's becoming apparent that they cannot afford it or they are taking on crippling debt.

Ultimately, sooner or later pet ownership only ends one way for most of us. Sonya has made the effort here, and if she has to make a decision because money's finally run out, then I won't fault her for that any more than if the decision comes from how sick puppy is getting.

I'm sorry Sonya. I know that you will make the decision that is best for you and your family, whether it's continuing with treatment or deciding it's time to call it quits.
Oh Sonya, I cry as I type this. When my Spitzle (cat) had his stroke, I was there holding his head as they put him to sleep. I can't even type this without crying. I asked myself in his place what would I want done? 12 years later and it still hurts. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Oh Sonya, I cry as I type this. When my Spitzle (cat) had his stroke, I was there holding his head as they put him to sleep. I can't even type this without crying. I asked myself in his place what would I want done? 12 years later and it still hurts. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Yeah. When I called it for my 14 year old GSD, I asked if we could go outside. So we sat under a tree on a blanket I'd brought to wrap her in and I held her head in my lap. I will get another dog when I'm finally back in my own place because it was all worth it to me, but I also understand Sonya not wanting to do it again. It is hard, no matter the age or the illness.
He is still there. They called with an update this morning to say he's still not eating. They keep syringe feeding him and he's letting them. He hasn't lost anymore weight since yesterday but he's lost around 2kg in little over a week. He was never a massive dog, usually around 19kg

They're treating him for pancreatitis too at the moment.

I'm worried that if he does pull through this event it is only a matter of weeks till he has another. It feels wrong to press on getting him well if this is going to keep on happening to him.

The nurse that called said she's seen dogs in worst condition pull round which would be promising if I wasn't worried about it just keep happening time and time again.

And there's no way to predict when or how often this will happen again. My cat only had 1 major crisis, never a complete crash. But because she wouldn't eat the Rx kidney diet, we kept her on fluids 3 times a week and fed her whatever food she would eat, had her kidney levels checked every 6 months. There were times where appetite was a real struggle, but gave her Recovery food or chicken livers until it passed. Had 4 more years with her and she died at the age of 18.

Your dog may end up as lucky as my cat, or not. Only time will tell.
As I re-read this post, I can see how heartless it might sound. I don't mean it that way. Medical things used to freak me out, so when my cat got sick and I had to play nurse, I almost gave up on her, and without the help of others who'd been through it, I would have. I'm so glad I didn't, because it ended up being worth it as we both enjoyed the last 4 years.

Only you and your dog can know what the right choices are. You have all of my support.
I'm missing him so much. The house doesn't feel right without him here

It's a very empty feeling, isn't? Our senses get used to their presence, so even if we're not actively playing with them, we're still very aware of when they sleep, snore, walk to a sunny window for a nap, eat, etc.

Any idea when he might be coming home? Does he have a toy or blanket with familiar smells from home with him?
It's a very empty feeling, isn't? Our senses get used to their presence, so even if we're not actively playing with them, we're still very aware of when they sleep, snore, walk to a sunny window for a nap, eat, etc.

Any idea when he might be coming home? Does he have a toy or blanket with familiar smells from home with him?

It's awful, stupid things like not having to take him for a walk, seeing his blanket on the sofa without him on it, not saying 'night dog' before bedtime.

I don't know, we spoke about when to bring him home and if they still feel they're helping then we will leave him a there for now but if they don't think there's more they can do AND he's not suffering, we want to bring him home even if only for a day or so. We don't want his last days to be spent away from us, miserable in hospital. He has the blanket from his bed with him.
They've taken him out of ICU and onto a regular ward. His bloodwork yesterday was a mixed bag as his BUN has come down from 23 to 16 and his creatinine has come down from 222 to 174. But his white blood cell count his high indicating infection still present and his red cell count is low and causing him anaemia. They haven't had the amylase results back yet which will confirm the pancreatitis or not. He had sickness and diarrhoea yesterday but nothing today. They've reduced the level of fluid therapy now his bloods are improving and in case it's causing the dilution of his red cell count. Ideally they'd like to do a kidney biopsy but are reluctant to as he already has reduced kidney function and they don't want to reduce it further. They also said the anaesthetic could be a worry for him at the moment. They would like to do an endoscopy but are holding off at the moment because of the issue with anaesthetic. He has put a little weight on but still refuses to eat but is still allowing them to syringe feed him. They're waiting on some results from a stool sample also. They've said he seems brighter but they're struggling with how to move forward until they get these results.

I'm so low at the moment, I just want my pooch home. But I'm also terrified if he comes home that this happens again. We were supposed to be going to Spain for 2 weeks on Sunday. I've cancelled my flight and moved it to the following week but I don't think I will be going at all. And if my dog is ok I don't mind never taking a holiday ever again.
Thanks for the update - so sorry you are going through this. Keeping you both in my prayers