Craft Fair Treasures

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
I love going to craft fairs but more times then not I do not buy anything. Whether it's because the budget is tight that week or nothing catches my eye or sometimes I see something I like but feel like I can make it better. So when I do buy something it's because I feel I have truely found something special. This weekend I came home with some soap, a whipped body butter and two peices of jewelry. For me that is a major score and I am thrilled with my treasures.
that is a score, the jewelry especially. I get so excited when I see cool, well made jewelry at craft fairs that isn't crazy expensive.
I love buying little handmade treats for myself. It is like seeing Etsy live! lol, and getting instant gratification. I love the large farmers market here, they have allowed a lot more handmade items in. I am glad you found some fun things!

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