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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
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This is probably a silly question, but what, exactly is the difference between CPOP and HP? I've made a few hundred pounds of straight up cold process soap, and then read in a book that to HP you can (one of a couple of ways) make your soap, put it in a hot over for about 3 hours then turn it off and leave it there for 6-8 more. It also said that you can then use it as soon as it's hard enough to cut.

I've now made about 30 pounds of soap this way and I've used it the day after cutting and it seems to behave just like my CP does after it's fully cured. I like it better than my CP stuff, b/c it seems to be much smoother.

But the question is, am I HP'ing or CPOP'ing? And if I'm doing it the way I am, is there a need for a full 6-week cure like w/ CP? There doesn't seem to be.

I have a spring fair I am doing in March and I wanted to be able to have more ready to sell then which is why I started doing this. Dumb luck, I guess that I actually like it much better!
When I was researching CPOP most directions stated to put it in a barely warm oven, 170-200degrees, no more, and then turning it off after less than an hour. I found personally that even at 170, my soap overheated if I didn't turn it off pretty soon after putting the soap in, if not BEFORE putting the soap in. Now I always turn it off right before.
It basically just ensures and speeds up gel. if the soap overheats you can end up with some volcano effect, a foamy crust or other interesting phenomena. ;)
It does seem to make my soap harden up faster for cutting, but I still let it cure just like all other CP.

There is a method of HP that uses the oven, it could be confusing but is it possible what you read was in regards to that?
I keep my oven at about 150 C, which is as low as my oven goes. I use my wooden log mold, with its lid and keep it in there for 3 hours, then turn off the oven and leave it in for another 6-8.

When I take it out, it already hard (much harder than my CP soap after a 24 hour insulated cure). Sometimes its a bit warm when I take it out, so I remove it from the mold for about 30 min and it cools right down. My bars are also after 3 weeks don't seem to be losing as much water and weight about .3 - .5 oz more than my CP bars after the same period of time.
i dont do oven process, but i do hp in crock, cure time iS less than cp, i cure hp for a week, it shrinks some during that time. I like this method, no checking temps, just melt oils, add lye/water cook, stir, add color fo then mold, it is thick unlike cp, but nice soap.
I do it more or less the same as you but with less heating time. I warm the moulds first and once I've put the soap in the oven, I leave it on for 10 minutes and then switch off and leave overnight. The reason I do that is because I tend to use high lye discounts and if it overheats, my excess oil pools on top. That's neither here or there really but I just thought I'd mention it. I cut the soap after 24 hours and use it right away for testing for myself. It's good straight away and just keeps getting better. :wink:

As far as I know, this is CPOP.