Coconut milk in CPHP?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2010
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I'm planning to try my first CPHP batch and I want to make a 50% coconut milk soap. I'm wondering when I should add the milk... at trace right before gelling or in the beginning?

I can't add it at the end because the soap would have too much of a water discount while cooking, right?

Thanks in advance. Also, can you do a salt bar with CPHP or is it too thick to cook up?
ive never done cm in hp, but couldnt you do 1/2 water, the after cook add the other 1/2? maybe you can look at past posts?
That's what I'm not sure about. Cause I know with HP you use the full liquid amount so it all cooks out, so I'm worried if I only use 1/2 at first, it will burn or something.. I've been looking through the posts but haven't found anything, but I'll keep looking. :)
I used coconut milk in the crockpot...added it after the cook..and stirred...came out great...I also used it in RT... :)
I have used it in HP. I just freeze it and add the lye to the frozen milk then proceed as usual. The HP process did turn my cm a little darker than RTCP would have, but it wasn't too bad.
Thanks for the responses! I think I'll just try it with frozen milk first because I'm worried about ruining the batch by not having enough liquid for the cook. If I don't like it, I'll just make a teeny batch the other way. :) I'll let you guys know how it turns out when I do it... which will most likely be this weekend or next week.
This won't really be an answer-- just another thing to consider-

If you did HP with a salt bar recipe, would it set up even harder, faster?

My CP salt bar was ready to cut in 5 hours. I wonder if it would seize in HP?
Best Natural Soap said:
This won't really be an answer-- just another thing to consider-

If you did HP with a salt bar recipe, would it set up even harder, faster?

My CP salt bar was ready to cut in 5 hours. I wonder if it would seize in HP?

yeah, that was what I was worried about with the salt bar and since I haven't gotten an answer on that one yet, I'm going to wait. But my CM is going to be the first HP batch I try.

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