Castile base additives

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New Member
Jan 21, 2012
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Hi all,
I have a pure Castile soap base that I'd like to "jazz up" for my toddler. I was thinking about maybe adding some honey powder, milk powder or oatmeal - or something similar. Does anyone have any tips they'd be willing to share? Or recommended ratios?
Also, if I add powder or oils/butters (no liquids) do I need to Addams preservative?

Thanks in advance :)
Babag said:
Hi all,
Also, if I add powder or oils/butters (no liquids) do I need to Addams preservative?

I'm assuming that says "add a preservative?" :wink:

If you add oils or butters, you do not need a preservative. Although, I wouldn't add any oils or butters, especially to a nice castile base and especially if it's mostly for a child. Plain castile is great for young and old skin.
I'm of the belief that adding oils or butters doesn't really do much for the soap, except usually just give you problems (too soft soap, no lather or bubbles, too oily, etc). I think any oils that you put in the soap will just get washed down the drain when you're washing with it anyway. But that's my opinion.

You can add honey powder, milk powder and oatmeal. With mp the general practice is 1 Tablespoon per lb of additives. If the soap's too liquidy when you add your additives, it may sink to the bottom of your mold when you pour it in. So try to get your soap as cool as you can with it still being pourable, before adding the powder or oatmeal.
Yes, that should be "add a preservative". Stupid auto correct.
Thank you so much for your advice. I've read about using Xanthan gum to thicken. Any thoughts? I was leaning more towards using foamer bottles because it's so thin.
Thanks again.
Ohhhhhhhhh, you're talking liquid castile soap. Sorry, I thought you were talking melt and pour.

Then yes, if you add anything extra to the base besides fo or color, then you need a preservative.

Xantham gum is a good choice for thickening it up.

I don't play much with liquid soaps, so hopefully someone will hop in and give some advice.