Blurry swirls. (pics)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Hi.. I have been doing ITP The swirls get kind of blury. Can I stop the swirls from getting so blury? I pour at a pancake batter trace.

Both of the soaps I put in the fridge to avoid gell.

I just wanted to add the colors that I am using are powdered I mix them with water or oil. What ever the instructions say. :wink:
I'm still working on perfecting my swirls too, but I find if the trace is a bit thicker, the swirls hold their colour. Of course, then you're walking the fine line between thick trace and total soap-on-a-stick! :lol:
Beautiful colors! I wish my swirls looked this good. I noticed the one on the right kind of looks like the colors bled a bit. Are you using D&C powders?
It's just my opinion but I'd say the powders bled a bit. Perhaps if you used just micas or oxides, the swirls would be more precise.

I still think your soap is beautiful. Since you're unhappy with them, you could send them my way. :lol:
I agree that the colors probably bled. Over time, FD&C Colors will bleed/migrate when placed next to other colors so it's always best to use specific non-bleeding colorants (most micas and oxides) when you want sharp definition.

That said, your swirls are beautiful! :D
Gee thanks everyone.. I was NOT expecting compliments with these two. :lol:

I guess bleeding is a better word. What is the difference between the powdered colorants? My supplier only has powders. I thought they were all good for soap... She has drago colors, D&C and some liquid colors. Which would be the best to use?
they look good! try more bold liquid colors?? im not too good at swirls, whi am I to say!!
Jezzy said:
Gee thanks everyone.. I was NOT expecting compliments with these two. :lol:

I guess bleeding is a better word. What is the difference between the powdered colorants? My supplier only has powders. I thought they were all good for soap... She has drago colors, D&C and some liquid colors. Which would be the best to use?


I've never heard of drago colors. I'd check with the supplier and ask if the colors will bleed or migrate in soap. D&C colors will bleed. I think the liquid colors would probably bleed, too. Also, a lot of liquid colors fade because they're light sensitive. I wish I could help you more.

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