Another question please about remilling

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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I was just wondering if you can grate the soap and when you start melting it, can you add other oils or shortenings? I want a soap that is VERY oily for this dry skin of mine. If I grate it and then I want to add some shea butter or some castor oil or olive oil to the grated soap when it's being melted, would that be alright to do? That way it would be superfatted. :D But didn't know IF it would be OK to do this or not with remilled soap.
RoseMarie said:
I was just wondering if you can grate the soap and when you start melting it, can you add other oils or shortenings? I want a soap that is VERY oily for this dry skin of mine. If I grate it and then I want to add some shea butter or some castor oil or olive oil to the grated soap when it's being melted, would that be alright to do? That way it would be superfatted. :D But didn't know IF it would be OK to do this or not with remilled soap.

Absolutely you can do that! Shea butter/cocoa butter would be really nice. Now as to how much? I'm not really sure...because people use 100% whipped body butter all the time... So let us know how it turns out!

Thank you Amanda! Where do I find the cocoa butter? I found some castor oil today at Walmart in the pharmacy area and it was for a laxative and I didn't know IF this was right kind of castor oil or not! lol
RoseMarie said:
Thank you Amanda! Where do I find the cocoa butter? I found some castor oil today at Walmart in the pharmacy area and it was for a laxative and I didn't know IF this was right kind of castor oil or not! lol

Yes, that is the correct castor oil. You can find cocoa butter in some health food stores (in the beauty department). I also used to be able to get it in the lotion area in stick form (i think it was a 1.5 ounce stick) but I can't remember who makes it - I think I used to get it at Walgreens (might also try the area where they have products that are marketed for African-Americans for skin and hair - I think that's where I also used to see it).
have some Palmers cocoa butter with vitamin E but I didn't know if this is the right stuff or not. It says it heals and softens rough and dry skin. its in a 3.5 oz. container.
Thanx for your help!!
The stuff I've used in the past is 100% cocoa butter from the store.
You may like soap with mineral oil it. It doesn't saponify at all and most skin loves it. There is nay-say about it, so you should find your own opinion - but it's a thought.

The cocoa butter that I think you are referring to is at cvs for around $1.29 for a one ounce stick... It should be on the shelf directly below the cocoa butter with vitamin e like you have.
Thank you and I was JUST in the health food store and still did not see this stuff! ughhhh so I guess I will look again! I was in there mainly looking at the oils they carry and I just knew I had the right stuff with this Palmers stuff. It does have mineral oil in it.
I also found something else called African Black Soap Shea Butter. It's a bar soap and is 3.5 oz. It has soduim tallowate in it and has colloidal oat meal titanium dioxide and iron oxide to. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of it before. First time for me but figured it might be good to grate and put in the remilled soap. Going to try it if you all think it will be ok to do. It says it's a 100% natural shea butter soap formulated for your daily skin care use.

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