Adding Vitamins to Soap

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Nov 8, 2012
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Dr Oz said,, C & E Vitamin is the best thing for your face ""Wrinkle"" I have some C tablets and e oil.Can I just crush
the C Tablet and add the E oil. to my melt and pour soap .How to makec and e soap?
I'm not sure if any cream or soap prevents or treats wrinkles, truly. Vitamin C, it seems to me, is best ingested.
Dr Oz, and The two other Docs,. said yes C and E can help with wrinkle on your face,it must be apply on the skin.So I want to make a soap.I want to know can it be harmful.Any one adds Vitiams to there Soap.
Well, I will thank Dr. Oz very much and sell my vitamin C and vitamin E soaps and creams for $1 million and become rich. Do you see what I mean? I suspect nothing works on wrinkles, because if it would, then it would be a closely guarded secret by the pharma industry. Can you imagine how valuable a wrinkle remedy would be that actually works? Regarding wrinkles, you either have good genes or not, stay out of the sun, that type of thing.

So, say your Dr. Oz is right, if you put those vitamins in soap, they would only wash off. Soap is a wash-off product; it's not meant to stay on your skin (ew). Obviously, you can try anything you want -- I'm a fearless experimenter myself -- those are just my 2 cents.
Some people add vitamin E to the oils for soap making to prevent the oils from going rancid. Not sure what good it does to your face in a wash-off product.

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. CP soap is a very alkaline and will neutralize the acid. By the time you are done curing, it is unlikely that there will be any left.
the docs,never say it stop wrinkles, just help lessing wrinkle'''small,help you look younger.i just want to know could it hurt the soap or the person.the effect it may have.
Hausfrau007 said:
Well, I will thank Dr. Oz very much and sell my vitamin C and vitamin E soaps and creams for $1 million and become rich. Do you see what I mean? I suspect nothing works on wrinkles, because if it would, then it would be a closely guarded secret by the pharma industry. Can you imagine how valuable a wrinkle remedy would be that actually works? Regarding wrinkles, you either have good genes or not, stay out of the sun, that type of thing.

So, say your Dr. Oz is right, if you put those vitamins in soap, they would only wash off. Soap is a wash-off product; it's not meant to stay on your skin (ew). Obviously, you can try anything you want -- I'm a fearless experimenter myself -- those are just my 2 cents.

Amen. These miracle cream claims are bogus and I've watched their ads on the Home Shopping Network and I honestly feel sorry for people who can't wait to spend their money on this vain hope. To have wrinkles flattened you can get botox and that starts at about $600 and it is not permanent. Plus, some people don't trust it healthwise. I would wager that lye kills a lot of nutrients that sound promising on a label. But a good recipe makes a soap that cleans gently and doesn't dry out skin much in the few seconds its on your face or a little longer than that to shave with.
take a liquid Castile soap (I use my own or you can use one like Bronners)
then add the Vit E and C to it
I would recommend using a 1.5% of EO that is good for wrinkles like

frankincense essential oil
myrrh essential oil
rose essential oil
lavender essential oil
patchouli essential oil
sandalwood essential oil
rosewood essential oil
clary sage essential oil

Here is how I make my face wash you can adjust it to suit you
8oz liquid Castile ( I use the one I make)
1oz Witch Hazel
2oz water (I use distilled color therapy water)
1oz vegetable glycerine
1oz aloe vera gel
4oz oatmeal milk ( easy to make if you need recipe let me know)
EO mix at 1.5%
Thank you all,And way cool DragonQueenHHP ,yes how do you make oatmeal milk,
that is easy, if I am working with water should i start adding a preservative.
ascorbic acid, which is vitamin c, is a popular soap additive you can buy at most soap suppliers. I believe it would be better in bath bombs where a person could soak and give time for the vitamins to absorb in the skin.
ascorbic acid, which is vitamin c, is a popular soap additive you can buy at most soap suppliers. I believe it would be better in bath bombs where a person could soak and give time for the vitamins to absorb in the skin.

Please try not to pull up old threads. The OPs haven't been here in years. Take a minute and read the rules as it explains why it's not a good idea.

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