Adding extra oil & melting soap base without microwave/crock pot

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Christopher C.

New Member
Aug 3, 2019
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Hello. I'm new to soap making. I would like to do this as a hobby and hopefully something I can earn from. :)

I have a few questions though, please help me with these:

1. Can I add a half-liter of coconut oil to a 1 liter of glycerine soap base? (For extra lather and quantity).
2. I live in a small room. No microwave and only have a butane stove, can I melt soap base with what I have?

Thank you so much for your help!
You can use a double boiler to melt the base - I think the max amount that can be added to a base is 10% but sure someone will chime in if I'm wrong!
1. No. You would end up with a slimy mess. The most you can add to a premade soap base would be 1 tablespoon of oil per pound of base. Any more and the results may prove unwelcome.

2. You could make a double boiler with a pan on top of another pan to melt your soap base.
The maximum suggested use is 1 tablespoon per pound of soap, (Soapmaking the Natural Way by Rebecca Ittner). You can use the double boiler method to melt the base.
Just want to add that adding extra coconut oil won't make the base lather more. Coconut oil will only add lather when its turned into soap, otherwise its just oily.

Really the best thing to do is buy a good m&p base to start with. Don't bother with the junk you can buy at craft stores. Get it from a reputable online soap supply.
There is a huge difference in quality between the melt and pour bases you can purchase at craft stores and the melt and pour bases you can purchase online. The online bases bought at soap companies are far superior. Also the online bases are usually cheaper.
Hello guys. Thank you for all the answers. I would like to each and every one of you for responding. My questions are answered. Solved.

Thank you.