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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. C

    question of scent duration

    Is the reason that many recomend EOs be used at 0.7-2 flOZ PPO to ensure that enough scent is left after cure? When I started making soap over a year ago I started off with ggts of EO with unsat results even after a few days of making, I now use more but am afraid of the smell being...
  2. C

    dumb thing

    I made a base vegetable oil soap (CP) with peppermint and rosemary EOs. The color was unappealing to me so I hand milled it and added ----ground rosemary and green-tea infusion. When melting the soap, my crock pot proved to be to warm so I had some brown bits in it. I decided to leave them in...
  3. C

    Dumb scale anyway

    So today I'm making a new recipe I created, and part way through measuring oils, my scale starts to act up. I get an ERR, then when I take the pan off the scale, it shows a weight.............. AND, today, I had to decide to be clever because I was in a slight hurry and combined several of my...
  4. C

    Made soap today!

    I am a happy camper. Had a day off from the job and made soap today. A special request from my wife. The recipe is the first I "created" and still my wife's favorite! OO, CO, and soybean oil. Cures white as snow. Oh and rosemary EO from Aura Cacia. :D
  5. C

    zap test?

    What is this zap test I read in the threads? :oops:
  6. C


    I make wooden spoons/utensils from scrap hardwood. Takes an entire day to make one. I have a long waiting list.
  7. C


    I recently started making CP soap, creating my own rx. I'm hooked. I even sold a few bars at a craft show. paid for the lye! I have quickly discovered the more I learn about this craft, the more I do not know. But y'all knew that huh?