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  1. A

    Soap without lye?

    Oh my goodness, don't get me started on 'we don't use any chemicals...' blah blah blah. Water is a chemical. :roll: What they usually mean is 'we don't use anything synthetic', but even that is often incorrect. (And often pointless anyway, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms).
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    Who's gonna use all this soap???!!!

    I adore that last one. Is the line cocoa? I hope you find a friend who likes the patch! In my experience the people who like it, really like it, so you shouldn't have any problem getting rid of it~
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    Happy Birthday To Two ..

    So cute! I assume it was a hit? I love the pic of the cut slice. *drool* Tell your girl to condition her little heart out while she has the dye in. I spent most fourteen and fifteen with bright purple & pink hair. When I finally decided to grow it out I looked like a mushroom with the natural...
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    I've never been into a lush store, but I have received some lush products as a gift. They were nice. I didn't buy them again for myself because they were somewhat pricey, but I can see why they are successful. I forget what fragrances I received (this was 2-3 years ago), but I remember they were...
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    Green Clay Powder/ Beet Powder

    I've used green clay; it made kind of a nice pale grey-green. Got a little bit more towards the grey during cure I think. Made a nice slip for shaving soap though. :)
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    blackest soap possible

    Ha, thanks, you guys are making me blush. :oops: Any progress jarvan?
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    My soaps.

    They're all beautiful, but the English Leather up top is breathtaking!
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    Those scents you just can't stand

    I hate baked good food scents in soap. Birthday cake, cookies, muffins, anything. Gag me. (if only I felt like that about the real deal... :roll: )
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    Salt = antioxidant? Oh and DOS

    Salt is a food preservative because it inhibits bacterial growth by drawing water out of food via osmosis (primarily). DOS isn't caused by bacterial growth, so salt does not have preservation benefits in oil, or by extension, soap. Be nice if it did though. :roll:
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    Removing human scent and attracting deer (hunting soap)

    I worked at a sporting goods store for a while and we sold 6 different types of animal pee for that very purpose. I couldn't believe it either. :shock:
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    crisco batch

    lol! I've seen soap crack and swell a little bit, but that guy was really making a an escape attempt :shock: . 's kinda cute.
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    Common & uncommon soap ingredients

    I did a coke soap. I've seen references to 7-up & Irn Bru as well. (all sodas)
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    What are your favorite colors?

    I use micas, oxides, and ultramarines. I love them! No problems with clumping so far, except for once, and that's because I added the powder after it had thickened to the point I couldn't SB anymore. If I'm going to swirl (such as it is, I'm kind of a novice swirler), I separate the batter very...
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    Wow, what a scary ordeal! I'm glad you're going to be okay. I tend to take liberties with my own safety (sticking my hands in the raw soap batter to scrape it off the sides of the bowl because I left the spatula out of arms reach and I'm lazy, for example). When you do this every day it's...
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    My DH taught me that toasters have trays in the bottom (that apparently need to be emptied). :oops: :oops: :oops: You can guess who the neat one is there. ... But he's also British, so his idea of a good meal is canned spaghetti on white bread toast. I use white vinegar to get...
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    I can't describe the look I received from a family member shortly after I found my first soap that had a 'zap' to it. I ran right up him with a bar in my hand, held at head level, and said 'Open your mouth! This is so weird!'.
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    How much honey?

    I think I must have bad honey mojo. I've made two batches with honey. The first was at 1tbsp ppo, the second was 1tsp ppo. Both got hard as a rock and crumbly (though the first much more than the second). The recipe used was one I use quite frequently, and I soaped at room temperature. I let...
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    heh, don't let us scare you. The dryer lint soap turned out to be something of a hit because it resembled it's namesake enough my friends found it hilarious. For that one, all I did was a dirt-basic shred and melt with water in the microwave until it's vaseliney enough to glop into a mold kind...
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    Whipped Cream soap

    I haven't tried it, but I'm definitely bookmarking that link! Looks awesome.
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    My rebatched soap looks _exactly like_ dryer lint. No joke! It has this weird blue-grey tinge, and specs with other colors in it. I feel your pain. :(