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  1. I

    International Shipping

    Hello! It's me again with another awesome question about selling wax melts. A few people have asked me now to ship to Canada and the UK. I know that as a US seller, I would still have to have compliant labels (and registration?) to ship to the UK, so that's out. I can't seem to find...
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    Sustainability / Cruelty Free / Vegan Statements

    Does your business claim any of these things? I do not have these statements because it seems "weird" to me since I don't grow my own soy beans or have complete control over my supply chain (I don't make fragrance oils, for example, I buy them from crafting websites). I work hard to make sure...
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    Have You Ever Changed Your Business Name?

    I'm just curious and exploring possibilities. My market has been primarily online, but I think my current name may be limiting me. I love the niche audience I have, but I think I'd be more successful with a more generic name. Has anyone else been through the rebranding process? Aside from the...
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    How many colors and styles do you offer?

    I am in the process of moving off of Etsy, so I will be able to offer more. I do wax melts primarily, so I was thinking of offering more options. I usually use mica, but some people prefer dye or color/glitter free. I usually stick to about 30 different scents, but I am thinking of offering a...
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    Cups for wax

    I always do wax melts in shapes or brittle. One of my friends said cups are more popular than shapes, so I should offer them too -_-. The thought never crossed my mind since to me its extra plastic and $. Is there a good place for inexpensive cups?
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    Copyright law for fabrics

    On occassion, I sew little bags to put my creations in or for gift giving. I know copywrited characters are a huge no no. I picked up a generic apple pattern and began to sew when I noticed the print "for non-commercial use only." The other fabrics I bought don't appear to have this and they too...
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    NG Alien Princess

    Has anyone else had issues getting this one to throw in melts? I can't tell if I'm nose blind (I tend to make more potent bakery, tobacco/earthy and fruity types) or if it's just more subtle since its a perfume type? I know its not my recipe, as I made 4 trays, which requires me to prepare it 4...
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    Preparing for the Holidays

    I'm just curious as to how the holidays fare for other businesses. How soon do you start preparing? This is my first year in business, so I am not sure what to expect. I started working on my fall stock, but sales have been "ok" so far (BUT it is only august). I'm steering away from soaps and...
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    Looking for good resealable bags?

    Hello again! In my constant need for improvement, I am trying to better source my storage bags. I was wondering how others store their candles / melts? I haven't had any issues with the plastic bags I use (I have recently pulled out a melt I made back in Jan and it had no fragrance issues), but...
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    I may need to order some big bottles from them soon (yay growth!) and a few shades of mica. I've also been seeing credit card issues listed on Facebook :/ Has anyone ordered since the new site is up? I love the one ounce scents I got or is it better to just wait until I need to order from...
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    Artist's Guilt / Anxiety Thread

    Hello! I *think* this is my first time posting in the business forum? Thanks for having me on the forum, if I haven't said that already. I haven't been making things very long, but I have found all advice I have gotten to be helpful. I started making wax melts last August or so to help cope...
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    Does anyone use candle wax on canvas? Trying to find good use for my leftover melts :)
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    Aroma Beads

    I love aroma beads - aka car air fresheners. They are cute and fun. (I am a craft person, can you tell?) My question is, what is the best way to keep them from sticking to the pan when I bake them? I was using tin foil, which WAS working fine up until yesterday. I'm not sure if my oven is on...
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    I want to try pumpkins....

    I kind of like the idea of adding pumpkin flakes to a base for color and as a mild exfoliate. Would that be considered a cosmetic then? Either way, I kind of want to try it because I think the results would be pretty. (If it would push it into a cosmetic category, I would just have it for...
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    Colors to play with...

    I love mica. Love it. I have some dye blocks as well, but I mostly go for mica. Anyway, I want to try liquid dye for marbling (rather than dye blocks). Any good recommendations? I wanted to try a Crafters Choice sampler, but they are water based, and the instructions say not suitable for wax...
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    Can't find an expiration date?

    I had a friend gift me a few bottles of crafter's choice (purchased within the last year) and I can't find an expiration on the bottle. Usually I see one? Is there a way to look it up?
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    Does everyone eventually start selling?

    It seems like every crafter (especially for wax melts and soap) starts out saying the same things I did. "Wax is expensive and I'll save money if I start making it" or "This looks like fun" with no intention to sell. Then, friends and family start asking you to make things, one thing leads to...
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    My Melts

    Hello :bunny: I have been trying to make soy wax melts for awhile and still cant seem to get it right :/ My first attempt used whatever wax they sold at Hobby Lobby, but that had no scent when melted and became discolored fairly quickly. Even after letting the wax sit for a few weeks, the...