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  1. B

    What is your lye mixing container made out of?

    I have had a pyrex jug explode, luckly I wasnt mixing lye, but melting oils in a double burner. The jug didnt just crack or break, it does actually explodes, like everywhere. I was finding glass for days and contaminated all of my product. Imagine the damage if lye were involved. I use...
  2. B

    Cold Process Soap Design and Layering

    you could just split your batter, colour, fragrance etc and then stick blend the bottom layer before pouring so it is thicker than the next layer, which will be at a lighter trace and float on top. In saying that, some of the pics look like it was all just poured at a fairly thin trace over a...
  3. B

    palm free soap

    I make palm free soap and prefer it. Just up your superfat to make it milder, leave it to cure for longer or add butters to make it harder.
  4. B

    Tuesday's full moon...

    A full moon here usually means earthquakes, so prob not a good time to soap! (not that I'm soaping that much at the mo anyway :( )
  5. B

    Best ingredients for acne prone skin

    Jojoba oil as a moisturiser is great for acne prone skin. It is close to the skins natural oil, and helps balance oil production. I spritz with a toner and then add the oil to still moist skin (it helps it go on better).
  6. B

    Acne Soap

    I have been using coconut salt bars on my face now for about 6 months - it has cleared up my skin, and taken away the excess oil. I've had no issues with cogged pores. There are lots on here who use salt bars on their face for this reason, I would believe peoples personal experiences over an...
  7. B

    Disappointed with my soaps. :cry:

    I have really dry skin too. I started out with a 5% superfat and found it too drying and now use a min of 8% with no issues. I personally don't think you need to complicate things too much with loads of different oils. I make bars with lots of butters and some without, they have different...
  8. B

    Soft, translucent spots on freshly unmolded CP soap

    Hi Roxta, I've had something similar once with a Shea Butter soap. I had translucent blobs through the whole soap. It eventually faded out and was un-noticable after a long cure. I think the spots were unsaponified butters, but I can't be sure.
  9. B

    Disadvantages of using too much cocoa butter?

    I've gone up to 30% in a luxury chocolate bar. I quite liked it. Nice hard, conditioning bar. I did notice that it left a residue on the skin though (I did use real chocolate too, this could be why?). And it ashed over the whole bar continuously - and was expensive to make. I always...
  10. B

    Help, dry flakey patches on face

    I was going to suggest your face cleanser could be to blame. I often get dry patches and moisturiser doesn't help, but changing cleanser does. I now use my salt soap and haven't had any issues (great for pimples too).
  11. B

    Popping candy in bath bombs

    I tried it - disaster! But, I had used water based colourants so I think that may have set them off. I put the candy through the bombs and as decoration on the tops, but the tops reacted and ended up looking like big globs of goobers. I do want to try again though :)
  12. B

    Re: Palm Oil

    Ow Serfmunke that is sad :( I don't use palm, when I did it was sustainable, but at the time LUSH started handing out fliers in malls etc stating they were now palm free and that 'sustainable' wasnt 'sustainable'. Because of their influence I decided to go palm free and love it. I have...
  13. B

    Soap won't set.

    Hi Margo, As mentioned before, it's really important to use weight and not mls. If you convert your recipe from mls to grams using the exact same oils (which may not be 100% accurate), it shows that your recipe has a lot of water which will mean your soap is soft for a longer period of time...
  14. B

    gritty soap

    Do you use butters in your recipe? I have had this once with a high superfatted, high percentage Shea facial bar. It def had nothing to do with the Lye. My guess is I soaped to cool, not sure, but I have since changed Shea suppliers and it no longer happens.
  15. B


    Personally I think customers should be able to purchase directly from you at a cheaper price, and from a store for slightly more.