Why can't I do this?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Any reason this won't work?

I made a single batch of a recipe about 2 weeks ago, I thought I really liked it. Slightly different from what's been my norm.

I don't like it at all. I really can't stand it. Too much Palm and I might be a little picky, but I swear I can feel a graininess from the stearic. I'm not interested in continuing with this recipe, but before I made this decision I mixed up a whole bunch of the oils to soap with later.

Any reason why I can't weigh out the remaining oils and add the proper amounts of oils to bring it back to my regular recipe?

Should be easy enough. I hope. Anyone have any tips?
Logically, that sounds fine Deda. Perhaps just weigh out enough of the 'wrong oils' to top up with your 'right' oils to make a test batch, then if it turns out the way you expect it should, you can go ahead and balance up the master batch?

Tanya :)
DH and I weighed out all of the remaining oils, which thankfully was a 1:1:1:1 batch and added the remaining oils. It should be fine now.