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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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lol, too much Phineas and Ferb in our house today :shock:

anyways, what's everyone been making this weekend? i am off to clean the kitchen then make some rubber duckies in ponds soaps
planning my future adventures-
calandula soap, with oil and leaves, and yellow color (do you guys think I should color the whole thing or swirl? cosider the leaves!)
jojoba soap, goes with...???
lufah soap!!! my babe wants one with eacalyptus and mint... :shock: is there any other EO I can add that could give some lightness to this heavy idea???
Resisting the urge to make more soap. I have too many bars, and no more room. :roll:
NancyRogers said:
Resisting the urge to make more soap. I have too many bars, and no more room. :roll:

I hear you Nancy - although I just measured out oils for 5 small batches in case the mood hits. :lol:
I made 30 gold stars with sparkles yesterday and a log of Golden Gardenis today. It's my first ITP swirl and I can hardly wait to see how it turns out. The colored portion got a little "globby" during the pour. Floral FOs get me every time.
I made some raspberry lemonade, caramel latte and chai tea soap. :) i need to find some more room too! :)
NancyRogers said:
Resisting the urge to make more soap. I have too many bars, and no more room. :roll:

you know i'd always be glad to take some of that off your hands :D i am a huge fan of Nancy Soaps... tee hee

i made a berry margarita soap over the weekend for a friend who has been begging me for a "scratchy" soap. i colored it a nice light lime green and put seeds in it.
I'm attempting whipped soap. :roll:

But because I'm an idiot (although I blame it on soap gremlins :wink: ), I now have to figure out a CP recipe to use up the oils from the first batch. It's going to end up being a much larger batch than I normally make because of the 14 oz of PO.

Another lesson learned - just because I think I remember; always re-read the instructions before starting.
I made a loaf of Jasmine melt & pour today, (Peaks free sample) and also some Cranberry Fig individual bars. I got a new guest size soap mold to make some salt bars in and I wanted to try it out. :)
Researching and dreaming of trying cold process soaps. Unfortunately an emergency took me out of town, so I can't try it until I get home. So I bought the book "The Everything Soapmaking Book" to tide me over until then.
No soap here. I stayed out of the way yesterday while DH and BIL worked on the soap house/guest house. I went in after dinner and started siliconing the nail holes (they were putting up door trim and baseboards). This morning I had paint closet doors and hit the baseboard on thin spots and nail holes. I have to paint the fronts of the 3 doors I did today and then the backs the next day (oil based paint). Then just 2 more closet doors to do. I'm hoping they finish up this upcoming weekend. DH has to go to St Louis for work and then onto Ohio for a shooting tournament in the beginning of August, that give me lots of time to move my soaping stuff without interference! Can't wait to get in and make some soap. I really don't need to make more, I have loads, but want to. I might make some fall scented candles this week for my daughter to bring and give as a hostess gift for her friends letting her stay while she visits. Hope everyone else had good soaping, I still can look at pictures!
I had an amazing soaping weekend!

First I made a beer soap ... and after being quite scared of using beer, I enjoyed making the soap and realised that 'healthy fear' can be a good thing when making soap! Love my 'Oatmeal Stout' FO beer soap!

Then on Sunday I used coffee to make soap. I was as anxious about using coffee as I was of using beer ... and like the beer, I froze the coffee first and had no issues when adding the lye or making the soap. So I've added yummie 'Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee' soap to my house!

Next weekend ... if I can make time to soap ... it's time to try chocolate soap! Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made peach hp with peaks fo, its ready to cut as soon as I get out of work! before that I made ng "blood orange"( cp) with neon orange coloring, its really bright, almost hurts your eyes.