What soapy thing have you done today?

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I found the source of water that was appearing when making lotion bars. I transferred it to a water bottle and plan to poke a hole in the bottom to drain the water out, then will put the oil back in its original bottle


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My soapy things are good and bad. Its been a while (long story) so I go to soapmakingfriend to adjust my normal batch size and get an error, apparently, you now can have only 5 recipes unless you are a premium member and you cannot edit your existing recipes, nor can you delete old ones to make room for 5 versions. Its basically now useless to me.. and Im angry

On a positive note, Im actually making a bee themed soap tonight.
I opened my order from Nurture Soap...does that count? Picked up some more Klein Blue and Fire Cider since I used it all up...got the bags to refill. Picked up some samples: Eye of the Tiger is...bright. Neutral Gray is going to be perfect. I'm trying to replace RE's Toffeelicious so I picked up some Lustrous Brown. It has the shine, but it has a green tone to it so that's not going to work. But Lori at NS must be psychic because she included a sample of Magic Mushroom and according to my white paper test, it's almost an exact match. And best of all...after waiting FOR-EV-ER...5lb liners were back in stock so I ordered two of the six I need (I wanted to order six, but didn't want to be greedy).

So excited, but we did a major, major grocery run today; spent five bills at Costco and four at Freddies. That may seem a lot for three people, but we haven't done a major trip in three months. Got the freezer and the pantry stocked back up, but sadly, there was no Coconut Oil. And I need Coconut Oil for my next Master Batch. I have enough for about half my usual batch so that will work.

Anyhoo...between three stores and loading, unloading and putting away...I'm whooped. So glad I picked up the frozen Buttered Shrimp. Toss a little extra garlic, some freshly squeezed lemon and service it over al dente Linguine with some toasted Garlic Bread and I should have the strength to make up another batch of Wedding Soaps. About halfway done, still have another two weeks.

Hubby reminded me that Palm Sunday is coming up (for new folks, it's a bit of joke as the first two times I ordered bulk Palm Oil, it was on Palm Sunday so now hubby says I have to order PO on Palm Sunday). I really don't need Palm Oil but I don't want to buck tradition. I just got a $20 off shipping coupon from BrambleBerry today. And the liners are still in stock at Nurture. What to do, what to do?
My soapy things are good and bad. Its been a while (long story) so I go to soapmakingfriend to adjust my normal batch size and get an error, apparently, you now can have only 5 recipes unless you are a premium member and you cannot edit your existing recipes, nor can you delete old ones to make room for 5 versions. Its basically now useless to me.. and Im angry

On a positive note, Im actually making a bee themed soap tonight.

I gave in and paid the use fee because I have over 400 recipes saved in there 🤣. I probably should be using the “batch” feature or ? since many of the saved recipes are duplicates for different mold sizes.

I made a bunch of botanical colorant test batches today. Hold onto your hats for this one!

I gave in and paid the use fee because I have over 400 recipes saved in there 🤣. I probably should be using the “batch” feature or ? since many of the saved recipes are duplicates for different mold sizes.

I made a bunch of botanical colorant test batches today. Hold onto your hats for this one!

View attachment 65549
I love love love this color!
I gave in and paid the use fee because I have over 400 recipes saved in there 🤣. I probably should be using the “batch” feature or ? since many of the saved recipes are duplicates for different mold sizes.

I made a bunch of botanical colorant test batches today. Hold onto your hats for this one!

View attachment 65549
Nice! Is that my new bff Himalayan rhubarb?
Just finished a 16,000gr oil masterbatch. Taking a page out of @Zing's book, I used up a bunch of RBO, SAO, and AvO that had been in the back of the fridge for awhile. As a result, it's not my typical recipe, but the FA profile ended up pretty similar to what I typically make. And I FINALLY used up the last of that over-ROE'd batch of lard, too. 🥳

With oils and lye all MB'd, hopefully tomorrow there will be time to soap. Maybe the April challenge will be posted by then; it would be delightful if it ended up being conducive to test runs of the new Hercules cutter and/or Cheshire Cat Angler. They've both been sitting for over a week now, but work has just been too nuts.
My soapy things are good and bad. Its been a while (long story) so I go to soapmakingfriend to adjust my normal batch size and get an error, apparently, you now can have only 5 recipes unless you are a premium member and you cannot edit your existing recipes, nor can you delete old ones to make room for 5 versions. Its basically now useless to me.. and Im angry

On a positive note, Im actually making a bee themed soap tonight.

I‘m kind of bummed too about the calculator. It’s my favorite one. I wish I could delete a bunch and save my top 5 as I basically have 3 that I use now and as you said it would be nice to edit them for different sized molds.

Just finished a 16,000gr oil masterbatch. Taking a page out of @Zing's book, I used up a bunch of RBO, SAO, and AvO that had been in the back of the fridge for awhile. As a result, it's not my typical recipe, but the FA profile ended up pretty similar to what I typically make. And I FINALLY used up the last of that over-ROE'd batch of lard, too. 🥳

With oils and lye all MB'd, hopefully tomorrow there will be time to soap. Maybe the April challenge will be posted by then; it would be delightful if it ended up being conducive to test runs of the new Hercules cutter and/or Cheshire Cat Angler. They've both been sitting for over a week now, but work has just been too nuts.

Patiently waiting for the reviews….we’ll…sort of patient…well not really that patient but trying to be patient. Finger still hovering! 😂
I learned the hard way the importance of getting as much batter as you can out of your soapy dishes before washing them. My sewer alarm has been going off intermittantly for the past few weeks. I didn't do anything about it because I wasn't sure it was my alarm that I was hearing. Whenever I went out to check it would stop.

Saturday morning I did a load of laundry and about 10 minutes later I hear glurp glurp glurp sweeeeeeesh from the guest bathroom. I crept around the corner (cause it scared the heck out of me), and there was water flowing out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, and sewage all over the bathtub....gross. The toilet and bathtub drains exploded...backed up is the proper term, but it sounded like an explosion. Then I heard the alarm going off. I have been having problems with my sewer/grinder since I moved in, so I figured it was its final death throws. I called the city (because it's their responsibility). They will come out 24/7 to respond to an alarm. So the guy knocks on my door to show me the problem...loads of what appears to be lard all stuck in the contraption (I don't know what its called..it was inside of the grinder).
Not only lard in soap will cause this to happen. I found out years ago that using low superfat and chelators in soap will help the issue. At least it helps with my old plumbing.
I beveled a bunch of soaps today with my new super-duper router. I really love this thing. Totally awesome sauce.

other than that, I spent an insane (for me) amount of money at lowes for garden stuff. I got 4 raised beds that I will be putting out tomorrow as soon as I decide on mulch...that I still have to buy (ran out of room on my cart at the store).

Florida planting is weird. Its way too hot out for veggies like tomatoes etc in the summer. I tried it twice and failed. Not that you can't grow them, you just have to do it earlier in the year. This years freeze and my incredible work hours delayed stuff for me, so here I am planting tomatoes, peppers and such. But I have a morning sun/shady afternoon spot, so hopefully that will keep everything from being fried.

Hopefully have more soapy stuff to report on tomorrow. I should be getting a FO delivery from wsp. I also ordered shrink wrap bands to try. Keeping my fingers crossed that I like them and get my three year long packaging dilemma over with LOL
I added some more oils to my big master-batch last night, bringing it to just over 17,000 grams. Enough for approximately 17 batches. :)

Unfortunately, by not including shea butter, it's clear that this MB isn't going to firm up into the room-temp-butter-or-lard consistency that the last one had. Instead, it's pretty runny, with some of the liquid oils separated and pooling on top. I really prefer the more solid version, since no pre-soap mixing was required. I'll probably measure and melt some shea tonight since there is just enough room left in the big cambro container to add some.
Unfortunately, by not including shea butter, it's clear that this MB isn't going to firm up into the room-temp-butter-or-lard consistency that the last one had. Instead, it's pretty runny, with some of the liquid oils separated and pooling on top. I really prefer the more solid version, since no pre-soap mixing was required. I'll probably measure and melt some shea tonight since there is just enough room left in the big cambro container to add some.

Because I wanted to keep the color consistent across 160 soaps, I made two small Master Batches and they have been behaving really strangely. The two small buckets are sitting stacked on the kitchen floor. When I opened the Rust bucket...it had like a crystalline layer on top, then a pancake like consistency, then a thick layer of sludge on the bottom. I gave it a really good blend with my Stick Blender, weighed out what I needed, tossed it in the microwave for tad longer than normal...150F instead of around 120F, let it cool to about 110F, added my Lye Solution and it poured and set up as normal. The Navy bucket, on the bottom, was like fudge...there was no getting a stick blender in it so I used a spatula and a whisk. Also heated it to 150F and it poured and set up as normal.

I think some of it could be that the Palm Oil is getting to the end of it's shelf life since I opened my regular MB and it looks like the Rust bucket. But we've also been having a lot of up and down weather which is clearly affecting the consistency. But it doesn't seem to be affecting the quality of the soap...which is what is really important.
That's so interesting, @TheGecko. I didn't think about the fact that some of my oils were a little older, and how that might affect the consistency. I guess I'd better make a bunch of soap and use it all up really fast. :D
That's so interesting, @TheGecko. I didn't think about the fact that some of my oils were a little older, and how that might affect the consistency. I guess I'd better make a bunch of soap and use it all up really fast. :D

Yes you should make lots of soap soon and make sure you use the Hercules and Cheshire Cat 😂😂😂
That's so interesting, @TheGecko. I didn't think about the fact that some of my oils were a little older, and how that might affect the consistency. I guess I'd better make a bunch of soap and use it all up really fast. :D

I ordered the Palm Oil two years ago tomorrow. It came in a 35lb bucket and I melted it down, stirred it real well, then filled 1 gallon zip lock bags 3/4 full and put them back in the bucket in garage and sealed it. I figure I have just enough to make a 640 oz Master Batch. According to BB, the shelf life of Palm Oil is one year (all the rest of my oils and butters is two years) and they are all good for another year. The reason I think it's the Palm is that when I originally bought my 'soap cart', I bought plastic 'shoe boxes' to store my Palm and Coconut Oils and Shea and Cocoa Butters in. When I first bought the bucket, I filled my shoe box up, but after a half dozen batches, got into Master Batching. It was when I went to do the experiment with the Red Palm Oil that I need to make some soap from scratch and noticed that the PO in the box was a bit weird looking on top (like cotton candy), but I didn't need much so I just scraped off the weird stuff and mix the rest. Now when I went to make the MBs for the Wedding Soap...I tossed that stuff out and grabbed the last full bag and put it in the box so I could stir it up and it looked fine.

What I think I will do with the next Master Batch is to use it all on text soaps. I've got a crap load of 1oz and 2oz bottles of FO...some I was trying to sell for a buck, but no takers and some I will still kind of interested in trying out. I also have a crap load of clays, pigments and ultramarines that I haven't spent any time with.