What soapy thing have you done today?

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Thank you @Zing
This is the best looking soap I got since I started. No soda ash, ricing and stearic spots that always happen to me.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of lemongrass since I use it as a mosquito repellent every rainy day in Thailand (kinda remind me of humidity 😅) but rosemary really help adding some freshness.

Would you please post a pic of your spring clean soap? I'm curious how you swirl with white and uncolored.
That's funny about the lemongrass. I use neem oil for garden pests and can't stand the scent. And then people on here use it in their soap! Listen, do a search using "Spring Clean" and me, and/or look in the Showcase & Photo Gallery.
Wrapped this batch the other day. Scented with NS Peace & Love.

I thought I’d be making soap today, but turns out it needs to be a prep day instead. I’m all out of MB fats, almost out of MB lye, and I have no TD prepared! Oh the humanity of it all! 😂
Wrapped this batch the other day. Scented with NS Peace & Love.
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I thought I’d be making soap today, but turns out it needs to be a prep day instead. I’m all out of MB fats, almost out of MB lye, and I have no TD prepared! Oh the humanity of it all! 😂
Wow. Amazing work there! You are topping yourself.
So @Sting has been hanging with the old folks for several weeks but left this week for his home city. But the aftermath of his epic soaping marathon is curing in my soap shop. It took me seemingly hours to turn all the curing bars. The things we do for our children, amirite? Oh, what have I done, teaching a sweet lil lamb how to soap?
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So @Sting has been hanging with the old folks for several weeks but left this week for his home city. But the aftermath of his epic soaping marathon is curing in my soap shop. It took me seemingly hours to turn all the curing bars. The things we do for our children, amirite? Oh, what have I done, teaching a sweet lil lamb how to soap?
Now we need to see some photos in the Photo Gallery.
That's funny about the lemongrass. I use neem oil for garden pests and can't stand the scent. And then people on here use it in their soap! Listen, do a search using "Spring Clean" and me, and/or look in the Showcase & Photo Gallery.
Found the picture of the Spring Clean. So beautiful!
Whoa! I don’t know if I am allowed to asked but are your pouring this like you would acrylic paints?

These are amazing! I have serious soap envy…
Thanks so much! I use the Love Your Suds pull-through soap shapers with my Custom Craft Tools mold. It’s been a learning curve for me. I’ve been able to get a pattern with each soap, but not one this good. So, I’m very happy. I have another kaleidoscope I just made today. Can’t wait to unmold it and cut.
Washed up a huge pile of soapy, lotion-y dishes, and then I made some soap. It might just be an entry for this month's challenge, so I'm not going to post a pic of it here. But I did want to share something new that I tried today.

TD has always been my nemesis. The squish-the-ziplock method espoused by @Mobjack Bay works super well, but requires planning ahead. But not too far ahead, because if it sits, it re-clumps. Usually I end up trying to mix it in some oil or water (mine is dispersible in either), and then SB it into my batter... which leaves me with TD boogers throughout my soap and over-mixed batter that is way past emulsion.

This time, I spooned the TD into a fine sieve over my additional water. I used a spoon to break up the clumps and smoosh the TD through the sieve. The fine dust then landed on the water and instantly dissolved. This left me with a smooth white liquid with NO clumps or streaky bits - NONE.

Honestly, these are the best TD results I've ever achieved! And when I wanted to add more TD to counteract a rather dark FO, the same technique worked flawlessly the second time. This is such a game-changer for me!
My latest kaleidoscope soap is almost perfect! The colors are a little more pastel than what I wanted, but I’m very happy with how it came out. With each soap I get better at this. Scented with WSP Coconut Lime Verbena.


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I made an Apple scented soap which is still in the mold right now. Smells like fresh cut apple.

I have been using my 'Pears' imitation fragrance soap at the kitchen sink, although not fully cured yet - and I noticed as it's curing it's smelling more and more like rosemary. So if I make it again, I might reduce that percentage of the EOs to allow some of the other notes to come through.

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