Water is better than vinegar for caustic lye exposures

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Oh I'm not disagreeing with you - I was just thinking that I have 25Litres of Vinegar - DOH!! ANd was wondreing if I could justify it in some way!!!! And the water and vinegar mix would not make me feel so insane, that I bought that much vinegar....

That or I am going to have to be pickling a lot of stuff - can you pickle broccoli?
Use the vinegar in your laundry instead of fabric softener. It makes your clothes nice and soft and doesn't have the strong perfumey smell. There is a hint of vinegar when you pull the clothes out, but there is no smell when they dry.

I've been using it for about a month now and I love it.
tincanac said:
ANd was wondreing if I could justify it in some way!!!! And the water and vinegar mix would not make me feel so insane, that I bought that much vinegar....

25L isnt THAT much! I go through that much in a month and could list (best on another thread) lots of uses - wash, drain cleaner (baking soda 1st, then the vinegar - let sit for 1/2 hour & then run water for about 5 min), hair rinse, put in with liquid dish soap for washing dishes, put in spray bottle with dish soap to spray down counters (kitchen, shop area, anywhere except on wood)... I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and don't use any chemicals (other than lye for soaping of course) in the house, nor does my cleaning lady. Here is one of many websites - 131 uses for vinegar http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/homemaking/vinegar.html
IanT said:
I have got lye solution in my belly-button (dont ask lol)... which SUCKED...vinegar is your frienddddd

Bet that is a good story.
ycartf is correct. Sodium hydroxide whether in solid form or in a solution is a corrosive and the best way to remove it from our skin is by flushing the area with water. This also is the standard response if you get some in your eye. Flush for appx 15 minutes then go to the E.R. And by flush I mean a steady stream of water washing over the injured part. The only other thing you should use is a saline solution. But please no vinegar.
Water, water, more water! I have a lot of vinegar around, too. but on my,skin following lye? Not ever! I do use vinegar to neutralize utensils, measuring cups, etc. With a lot of water. It's your friend! Along with reasonable PPE.