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Lil Outlaws

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Round 1:

Fredericksburg Peaches & Cream
(I'll be doing this one again with a straight peach FO so it won't discolor)

Local river water
Peach Nectar from Fredericksburg
Harvest Peach yogurt
Peaches & Cream FO (from LeCrissa's)

Round 2:

Hill Country Prickly Pear

Local river water
macerated prickly pear fruit (with seeds)

Round 3:

Medina Orchard Apple

Fresh pressed apple juice with pulp
Hot Apple Pie FO (LeCrissa's)
cinnamon swirl

You idea is truly inspired and I love seeing it come together for you! I'm looking forward to seeing more of these soaps....BTW - this one looks fabulous and so creamy!
Your soap looks great!

River water? Have you used that before? How did everything turn out? I have a popular river close by, that's a good idea, but I've always heard that river water has a bunch of contaminates in it. We can't even eat the fish from it here.
we have one part of the river like that, it's nasty. The part where I got this is so clean the health dept. actually says you can drink it. Either way, I put it in a bowl and let it sit so any floaties would come to the top then I froze it and scraped the top layer off LOL
I would think that the lye is going to kill most nasties? I sometimes use sea water and I figure the lye is taking care if sterilizing it....I do let it sit for a while before using it, but I'm not doing anything else with it and it seems to be okay....
Ask and ye shall receive, Tanya!

The Prickly Pear is setting up as we speak.. I should have pictures tomorrow!!

Also I have a skillet on the stove with some Cabernet simmering down to a syrup for the Vineyard soap.. I'm about to mash up some local strawberries for the Poteet Strawberry.. and after I finish cleaning up from the Prickly Pear, I'll start the Apple Orchard :)
(it's gonna be YUUUUUUMMMMMMYYYY - making it with unfiltered juice from the local orchard.. the kind with all the thick yummy stuff in the bottom!)
Lil, you are so inspiring....and very full-on!!! After reading several of your posts about doing this soap, then that soap, then the other soap - I have actually made a batch each of two days in a row.....I am sooooo proud :roll: :wink: :lol: :lol: )

I am looking forward to your pics so much :D

Awww thanks Tanya! :eek:
I just unmolded the Prickly Pear and it looks and smells divine. I'm waiting on the sunlight to be a bit better, I'm going to go sit it in our cactus and take it's mugshot :)

It's a light yellowish green with a thin layer of a purpley pink (like the cactus with fruit) and has spots throughout it from the little bits and seeds of the Prickly Pear Fruit.. it's incredible!

I also unmolded two logs of Inauguration Day soap - two versions of red/white/blue MP soap. One of them I love and the other isn't bad either lol I'll be posting those later too..
Oh, that is so pretty! Such a lovely soap! Tell me again....when did you start CPing? It must have been years and years ago - all your soaps are wonderful. Can' wait to see the Medina Orchard Apple.

Tanya :)
awwwww thanks!! :D I think it was maybe a month or two ago - I'm sooooo addicted LOL and now I'm running low on lye, I need to reorder or I'll have to take a break - eeeeeek!

BTW my whole house smells like the most delicious apple pie... mmmmm I hope it looks as good as it smells!
Wow. So pretty. I love the prickly pear and the seeds. Awesome colours.

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