Summer has come to Perth!

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2009
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Nelson, NZ
We have had a run of cool to beautiful days lately but just in the last couple of days, and today especially, it has turned to summer here in Perth! It's 36C today (97F), quite low humidity and hardly a breeze. We have had the air con on all day and haven't been outside for more than about 10 mins at a time, in the shade. The washing on the line dried in like less than 30 minutes.

By mid summer a day like this would feel like only a moderately hot day but right now it feels like we're in an oven, no, make that a kiln!

And my other favourite thing about summer... the summer fruits! Mangos are now in the shops and I looooooove mangos! Woohoo for summer!!

Ahhhhhhh..... 8)
Manda said:
day but right now it feels like we're in an oven, no, make that a kiln!

And my other favourite thing about summer... the summer fruits! Mangos are now in the shops and I looooooove mangos! Woohoo for summer!!

Ahhhhhhh..... 8)

Amen to that! :)

Mangos are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesom! :)

I love summer time! ... Its crazy cause its just starting to get cold here... Just starting to be winter time! :)
Here it has been a high of 46 to 50F and lows around 35F for the last week. Great weather to keep your oils fresh.

I guess that means we will be getting some warm weather next week if you are that hot in Perth.It takes about 3-4 days to reach us but since we live in the Central Highlands its always a good 5 degrees cooler than Melbourne.
We have been in drought mode for the last 4 years, no washing cars ,no watering gardens with a hose only with a bucket which has to be recycled water which you have collected ,no washing windows etc etc our water catchment was down to 11% at one stage last summer but hallelujah its rained and rained all winter and its been even heavier in Spring so after all this time we have been allowed 2 hours watering of the garden for 2 days a week.Nobody is planning on using the water allowance though because we are so used to saving water any way we can that we want to save what we have just in case because this summer is forecast to be a very hot and long one.
We are all praying for no more bush fires this year but predictions are that we are going to be in real bad trouble again :(
Manda said:
Oooh that's chilly!! What does it get down to there in mid winter?

Average in the winter would be low 20F and high 35F. We will get a week or so of low -10F to 0F and high of 0F to 5F. Lots of snow early in the winter.

pops - I'm crossing my fingers for victoria that there's not a repeat of last years horrible bush fires but this is Aussie and the bush is designed to 'burn baby burn' so unfortunately we just have to expect that they will happen. It's really so frustrating that so many are started by arsonists though.

Bruce - that is so cold, I could not imagine myself living in such a cold climate and I wonder how (so many) people like living in cold climates. I guess some people enjoy the cold and the snow.
Manda said:
pops - I'm crossing my fingers for victoria that there's not a repeat of last years horrible bush fires but this is Aussie and the bush is designed to 'burn baby burn' so unfortunately we just have to expect that they will happen. It's really so frustrating that so many are started by arsonists though.

Rockhampton's having it tough already.Bushfires for a week now.Nowhere near the heat generated in Victoria last year but people have lost homes,thankfully no lives lost tho.Fingers crossed.It's going to be a very very bad year I feel.Just so dry.