soap to Haiti

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2007
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We need to find a way to send our ends, scraps, bars etc to Haiti. I thought I saw on here one time a humanitarian donation organization. I'm going to check with the Red Cross. Will post if I can find anything. Please pray for them.
See the sticky thread up above titled 'Clean the World.' That is the organization you are thinking of. On the first page of the thread is the address in Orlando to send your soap to. I'm going to have my husband drop off a box or two tomorrow at the post office on his way to get an oil change. I've had a box here already prepared, just haven't gotten around to getting it dropped off yet.

I got a message from CTW on Facebook today,

We cannot reach any of our friends in Haiti. Pastor Brutus will update us as soon as he can get through. This is a terrible disaster. Haiti does not have California style building codes. The need for aid will be monumental in the coming weeks. Many will focus on food, water and medical attention. Clean the World is focused on soap. Without soap, many will die from preventable illnesses. We have stores of soap ready to go to Haiti. We need your cash donations to get the soap delivered. Please go to and donate whatever you can. And please pray for the safety of all our Haitian friends. Thank you.
thanks for the info. I'm also checking with local churches that might be sending supplies. Red Cross only takes money.
I cannot tell from their web site if I can send actual soap (clean, unused, maybe 10# or so). anyone else know?
Yes'm, the address is:

Clean the World

c/o Threads of Compassion

4625 Old Winter Garden Road B7
Orlando, FL 32811
carebear said:
I cannot tell from their web site if I can send actual soap (clean, unused, maybe 10# or so). anyone else know?

I requested info this morning and got a phone call but I was out darn it! I'm waiting for a return email with shipping info., and from what I found on the site, the address is:
Central Care Mission
4027 Lennox Blvd.
Orland, FA 32811

Will let ya know when the guy confirms it! :D
Ok confirmed.

"We would be happy to receive any donations, I can assure you they will go to those who need it. You can ship to the following address. Thank you again for your help !!

Clean The World
C/O Threads of Compassion
4625 Old Winter Garden Rd.
Unit B-7
Orlando Fl. 32811

Steve Cooper
407-353-7353- cell
[email protected]"

I'm gonna fill a flat rate box bursting at the seams!
for those sending the one the dreaded soap faeries got a hold of, how are you packaging them, all fancy with boxes and everything or just wrapped in tissue paper and such?. i have a bunch i can send from when i first started soaping. ive tested them all and they are all safe to use with no zap/redness.
I sent mine unwrapped, figured since they're most likely going to shred/rebatch them it's probably easiest for them if there's no packaging to deal with.
Donating Soap to Haiti

Hi, I'm Staci Marquez-Nichols of Sustainable Soaps. I originally posted a request for handmade soap donations under the announcements section a few days ago. I've been getting a great response, but many soap makers still have not been reached. Saponifier Magazine and the Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild are both getting involved.

Co-Founder Paul Till of CTW told me this:

"Yes, we would be extremely grateful if you could mobilize a movement within the soap makers here in the US. This would be awesome! If they want to simply send their soap to us when they are ready that would be great...Again, I can't thank you enough!"

All soap is rebatched by Clean the World before distribution, so you can send cold process, hot process, handmilled, melt-and-pour, even half-used bars as well as shampoo (opened or unopened) to:

Clean the World
8026 Sunport Dr. #306
Orlando FL 32809

The soaps do not need to be labeled in any kind of way (ingredients, type of soap, etc.). Please include a brief note with your contact information explaining that you've donated handmade soap and whether you'd like a receipt for your taxes.

The html code to add to your site is for the "Donate Soap to Haiti" web badge is:

<img originalAttribute="href" originalPath="""><img" originalAttribute="href" originalPath=""">



For more info, please visit: ... ffort.aspx


To view a press release regarding this issue (feel free to pass it along): ... haiti.html


To view the Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild's blog page about this campaign, go to: ... -the-world
More Soap Going

Hey, my first post (I signed up just to answer this one!) Be gentle on me.

I got lucky; a friend is coming up from Orlando tomorrow and I'm going to send a big batch the Soap Fairies ruined back with her, plus a fair number I refuse to sell because of color or scent warping. If anybody's keeping track, it looks like 11.2 pounds of soap going down.
Woohoo! I sent my box out on Tues. Finally, something I can do to feel like I'm helping.

Most all of the agencies are asking for money donations. I was so happy to be able to send soap!
I haven't found any organisation over in Australia to send soap through, so I just donated money through Red Cross of the few organisations that actually get the money to those who can do the most with it.

Tanya :)
Re: Donating Soap to Haiti

cowgirrrlpunk said:

I tried the above code and it didn't work....but looking at it I found that the image tag was repeated a couple of times, and it's attribute was set off in double quotes. Even IE couldn't parse that code. LOL! The corrected code is:

You have extra soap? I can barely keep up with orders. I must be getting slower and slower....(in my old age) :roll: