Soap is drying

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And a US nickel weighs a gram. ( just in case anyone wanted to know)

I believe a US nickel weighs 5 grams.

I agree that this soap will be completely different in another 2-4 weeks. The coconut oil is higher than I generally like it to be, too, but the olive oil will help the mildness with enough time. Patience.
Just because it's harsh at two weeks doesn't make it garbage, or I'd toss every batch of soap anyone could possibly make. :/

I'm sure a lot of other soapers make soap that's not "extremely harsh" at 2 weeks besides me. Just saying if MINE turns out that way my formulating was off. I might keep it to see if it gets better but I would never make that batch again. But that's just how I do it.
Perhaps my skin is just more of a pain in the tuckus than others'. Besides HP soaps, I cannot use anything within two weeks of being made, no matter the recipe, superfat, etc.