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Nov 25, 2019
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Just getting back into CP soap making after three and a half years off. Not that I was very experienced, but I had been addicted for 12 month...thanks to the wonderful Anne Watson ! Then circumstances changed... we sold our farm...which had the perfect soap making lab.... an old poultry processing works ! Incubating cabinets with racks for drying...stainless steel benches, lots a shelving and space....all to myself and my soaps ! A soaper's dream !
After having been spoilt with this space there was no way, I thought, that I could make soap in my kitchen.... until I stumbled on this forum the urge came back !
So.... I have been avidly reading for a few weeks/months?now. You are a such lovely group with so much knowledge that you so willingly and happily share.... and every time I read something that I like the sound of, I rush off and try it.... and any questions I've had, I've always found the answer somewhere in the forum :)
I happily finished my 15th batch two days ago.... and disaster struck ! I had been having a bit of trouble with soda ash, so decided I wasn't keeping my log mould warm enough after pouring. It was a pretty regular batch... all okay with soapcalc... fatty acids good for what I wanted. Reason for making was to experiment with beetroot I'm a natural gal. I peeled, grated, dehydrated and powdered a fresh beetroot and add 2 tsp to half my batch (500g total) at light trace. All went well, poured, swirled and covered with cling film, put lid on box, then wrapped in towel.... then a blanket.... determined that it was going to go through gel phase and not get soda ash. Couldn't wait until next day to unmould to see what the beetroot had done ! First disappointment.... I could only see specks of brown and some light brown swirling :( It unmoulded easily, but did seem harder that usual.... then I tried to cut it... it was like trying to cut a 100% salt block !! It just crumbled !! I'd never rebatched before so thought now is the time to try. Did some reading...watched a couple of Youtubes, thought I had a handle on it.... wrong !! Was just wishing I had a chemistry degree to know what was happening. Won't go into detail because I obviously did everything wrong... it was either ditch it or keep going until I had something that I could pour into a mould. I lost track of how much liquid I added in the end, I was recording detail to start with.... but as I said I was just trying to get something to pour and would have added at least another 250ml plus....water, buttermilk, frozen goats milk....anything I could get my hands on 😂. Finally I poured.... 4 hours later it was firm enough and unmould and cut. This morning I have tofu 🤪... really, that's exactly what it looks and feels like ! I won't toss it yet but will keep an eye on it...have a feeling that it will just go mouldy ! PH currently 9 btw.
Good lesson learned though... soap making really is science and I have a lot to learn !
I know I've come to the right place .... thank you 😍
Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you didn't add enough liquid to the first try. The brown spots were probably bits of beet. I can't say what happened to the re-batch, except maybe you got in a hurry and added too much liquid. I re-batch in an old crockpot. Here is a recipe for re-batching that works for me.
Welcome to the forum! And welcome back to soaping.

I don't know what went wrong, but never add anything but water or oil after the saponification is done. You're going to get nasties growing on it.

Soda ash is just something to live with. No amount of spraying with alcohol or forcing gel will totally eliminate it. I just rinse my bars the day before packaging, and it is gone. You can also rinse the top of the loaf before you cut. Totally up to you. But it is a fast and easy fix.
Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you didn't add enough liquid to the first try. The brown spots were probably bits of beet. I can't say what happened to the re-batch, except maybe you got in a hurry and added too much liquid. I re-batch in an old crockpot. Here is a recipe for re-batching that works for me.
Thanks for your welcome lsg...and for your helpful advice and re batching recipe. Intrigued by your secret ingredient of powdered milk ? I'll keep that one in mind !
Yes I was in too much of a hurry....and I was over it ! Will be far more patient if I ever try it again :)
Welcome to the forum! And welcome back to soaping.

I don't know what went wrong, but never add anything but water or oil after the saponification is done. You're going to get nasties growing on it.

Soda ash is just something to live with. No amount of spraying with alcohol or forcing gel will totally eliminate it. I just rinse my bars the day before packaging, and it is gone. You can also rinse the top of the loaf before you cut. Totally up to you. But it is a fast and easy fix.
Thanks for your welcome Susie :) ....and yes, I'm waiting for the nasties to grow.... I know they will ! Just want to see it happen and know how long it takes. I've put that batch in isolation :)
Thanks also for advice/ comments on soda ash. I was going to try spritzing with isopropyl alcohol (plenty available the moment !!) but I won't bother now. I have steamed in the past but will just rinse the top of loaf next time.... thanks :)