*pokes in*

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Jul 4, 2011
Reaction score
Good evening and happy Fourth of July!

I had the hardest time reading that silly confirmation code... just like I'll probably have a problem with the one I see at the bottom of this page. I can never tell if something is capitalized or not. XD

Anyway, my name is Ann and I'm a 24 year old Navy Wife(Hooyah!). :D

I've recently started with melt and pour soaps and I'm having a ball with it. Looking to get some tips and such for some of the problems I'm having with my batches... but I'm capable of hunting for topics on my own.

I tend to be a quiet lurker on boards... that's just me.

This may very well be one of the only times I say anything at all. lol.

Well, that's about it...

Hi Ann,

Welcome to the forum! :D

Sorry - you're not allowed to just lurk. It's required that you occasionally post pics of your creations so the rest of us can "ooh" and "aah". Then people get inspired to create something of their own. Then they post pics and the evolution continues. It's the circle of forum life. :lol:
Well, if those are the rules.. I suppose I can post some pictures.


Thanks for the warm welcomes.
Hazel said:
Well, it's not really a rule...more like peer pressure. :wink:

Then I have caved! You have me talking... and even taking pictures, which I'd never thought of doing until now. XD
AMol said:
Hazel said:
Well, it's not really a rule...more like peer pressure. :wink:

Then I have caved! You have me talking... and even taking pictures, which I'd never thought of doing until now. XD


I'm sure you'll be "talking" away very soon. Once you get to know other members, you may find you have a lot to say. :D
Hiya Ann! I'm one of those annoying people who never shuts up and posts pictures of everything! Hopefully we'll meet in the middle somewhere.
Welcome! And thank you for the service you and your husband do for this country. I am glad you decided to say hello! HOOYAH!!!